The Final Scene

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We get one last dissolvin transition that transitions to Amelia sittin next to the Mira statue lookin sad an Zack walks up to Amelia an sits by her.

ZACK: Amelia, are you okay?


ZACK: What's wrong?

AMELIA: Now that the party's over I goda split up with you.

ZACK: Oh, right.

AMELIA: I really don't wanna but...

ZACK: I know it's the right thing to do in order to keep your job.

AMELIA: Yeah, I'm sorry Zack but rules are rules an Alpha's can't break the rules.

ZACK: It's okay I understand.

Amelia hugs Zack an cries quietly.

ZACK: Shh, shh, shh it's okay I gocha, I gocha.

Amelia stops huggin Zack an wipes her tears away

AMELIA: Goodbye Zack, I'll always love you even if we ain't together.

ZACK: I'll always love you too.

Amelia kisses Zack then she pulls her paws away from his an she walks back too the alphas.

ZACK: Sighs sadly Maybe one of these days but I guess today isn't the day...

He walks back home cryin quietly.

GREELY: Amelia, are you gon be okay?

AMELIA: I will eventually.

PECK: I know that was hard for you but it'll get better soon I hope.

AMELIA: Yeah, I hope so too.

Amelia starts cryin again an Greely an Peck look at each other with worried faces.

JUNO: I hate sad endings.

JESSIE: Me too but that's life not everythin can end happy.

JUNO: Yeah you're right.

Juno an Jessie look at each other with a worried look then the screen fades black an it takes us to the credits

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