With Amelia

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We geda 360 flip animation transition that transitions to Amelia who's enterin the fox cave

AMELIA: Hello? Anyone in here? Wow it sure is dark in here.

She walks in an is a lil scared

AMELIA: It's pretty scary in here.

A shadow zooms by in front of the screen

AMELIA: What was that?

She looks behind her an sees nothin

AMELIA: Hmm, must've been my imagination.

Another shadow zips by from behind her.

AMELIA: Huh!? What is goin on?

Somethin falls on her from the ceiling


Everythin goes black then a few seconds later we can see the colors of fire an foxes surroundin it.

AMELIA: Huh? What's goin on?

KATRINA THE FOX: Ooo I can't wait til shes done cookin. Shes gon taste so good.

AMELIA: Cookin? Wait what!?

She looks at herself tied up above the fire.

AMELIA: No! Let me go!

PERCY THE FOX: Uh oh she's awake. What do we do now?

THOMAS THE FOX: Meh, let her struggle the fire will soon get the best of her.


AMELIA: What!?

She breaks free from bein tied up

AMELIA: Yes, freedom!

SCOTT THE FOX: Crikey, this girl is nuts! Guards seize her!

Guards run out an tie Amelia down

AMELIA: Let... Me... Go! Voice breaks please!

GUARD 1: No can do ma'am.

GUARD 2: Yeah, we're takin you too the boss an he'll take care of you.

AMELIA: No... She tears up

Later at the boss

GUARD 1: Here we are at the boss.

GUARD 2: Zack we brought someone here to see you.

Zack's lookin at a picture of Amelia

ZACK: Oh Amelia I wish you could be mine but Imma jammer an you're an Alpha so it'll never happen.


GUARD 2: Zack!

ZACK THE FOX: Aaaahh! I was just burnin up I mean cleanin up.

GUARD 2: Still gushin over that picture of Amelia I see. For the last time she's way ouda your legue.

AMELIA: Says quietly Hey!

ZACK THE FOX: I know don't remind me.

GUARD 2: Anyways we brought someone here for you.

ZACK THE FOX: I assume they escaped from gettin eaten.

GUARD 2: Yeah, she's crazy.

ZACK THE FOX: Annoyed sigh Okay show her to me.

The guards move ouda the way to reveal Amelia an Zack gets surprised.

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