Stressed Out

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(Tylers sight)
Sometimes I just want to do what I want. I don't want to care about the government, the police, the legal or illegal things and I don't want to care about Blurryface. I want to be a better musician, a better singer. I want to be a better person but this won't work with Blurryface in my head. If you're a musician, you don't have it easy, because actually everything has been done at least once and invented by someone else. You are easily assumed things for which you can't do anything since it is almost impossible to invent something new in this music track. Some people just don't get this no matter what you do. My parents always told me, that when I am an adult I won't be that afraid of critic. They told me I won't be that afraid of anything. But now I'm an adult and I'm far more insecure than I was as a child. I'm far more scared than I was as a child. As a child I didn't really care about other peoples opinions. But now, as an adult, I really care what people think about me.

(Blurrys Sight)
Hey! I'm Blurryface! Nice to meet you. I see Tyler told you a story before. Nice, nice. *rattles off* Okay so I'm Tylers Bad Stuff: His doubts, his fears, his insecurity, his depression... I make him care too much about some stuff. But I like doing that! I have no bad conscience with me. I even want to make friends with Tyler! Well, somehow I just want the bad for him but comes up with how you see me, somehow... Well I guess I often want the bad things for him but that doesn't matter now. I actually wanted to tell-

(Tylers sight)
Sorry. That was Blurry. I think he introduced himself now. Okay, I had stopped at the point of childhood. Better said, I just wanted to start with it. I want to go back to the time where I wasn't depressed, stressed or worried. Basically that's the time my mother sang me to sleep every night. Blurryface was already in my head back then. But he couldn't do anything with me. I had too loving parents. If they hadn't cared so much about me, Blurryface would have been so powerful much earlier. Sometimes I have flashbacks to my childhood. But only flashbacks, I can't really identify the memory. I want to build candles out of these memories. Because I'd identify the smell, I think... I could sell them. But no one would buy them. Except my brother cause he is the one that shares these memories with me. But these candles would remind us of that time when nothing mattered. As a kid I had big imagination. I played with my friends all day long pretending to be an other person flying away with a rocket or something. But now Blurry's laughing at me. He wants that I make money. I'm not allowed to use my imagination for playing around anymore. I miss my childhood. This chapter is just here to know a little bit more about me. And Blurry since he was here. Next time I'll try to get my mission more far to our goal. I can't promise anything but I'll try. Bye.

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