Chapter 1: My Story

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All you need to know about my past is this:

I was put into the adoption system at the young age of not even a year old.

I went from foster home to foster home when I wasn't living in a group home.

I love scooters, and go to the skate park often. That's actually how I first met the family that would grow to love me forever.

I was adopted at the age of  14 by a nice family, the Funks.

After I got adopted I had two brothers. Capron was 22 and Corey was 19 when I finally joined their family.

This was 4 years ago. I'm 18 now.

I met them at the skate park earlier that year.

Somehow one way or another they found out, they learned of my need for a place to call forever a home.

Not long was it before two somewhat familiar faces picked me up from the group home.

"Caroline welcome to the family" I recall Kim the boys mom saying, as their father Robert helped by grabbing one of my bags.

Little did I know how crazy my life would get after that.

My name is Caroline, Caroline Funk this is the story of my life as I know it, at least how I choose to know it.


•Present Day •
- Caroline Funk -

I walk into the house I share with my brothers.

When I finish taking my shoes off I slide on what I like to call my 'house shoes'.

My house shoes, not gonna lie are just a pair of crocs that I'll admit I wear in the backyard sometimes.

"Hey Line" Billy says with a smile.

"What's up Billy" I ask, I feel like something's going on, I just don't know what.

"How was the drive" Billy asks.

"Billy what's going on" I ask demanding an answer.

"I suck at this." He says with a slight chuckle.

"What did the boys do now" I screech walking down the hall and up the stairs to my room.

When I walk in I step directly on a balloon and it pops.

"Corey, Capron, What the funk did you do, I though we weren't pranking each other" I scream.

I am highly unamused.

I spend the next hour cleaning up balloon carcass before heading downstairs to give them an ear full.

"Tanner this is our little sister Caroline, you've met her a few times before I'm pretty sure. Capron and I just pranked her, so I highly doubt she's gonna talk to us at the moment." Corey says as I walk by giving him the finger.

"That would be correct" Tanner laughs.

I walk out the front door placing the bag of balloon remains into the trash can before climbing onto the roof.

It's dark out now so I lay down and stare up at the stars.

I find myself drifting into deep thought.

Will I ever know who my real parents are, will I ever know why?

I head in for the night, and walk up too my room and crash hard.


I wake up the next morning getting dressed into a pair of joggers and a funk bro's T-shirt. The Pink slime one is my current favorite so I throw that on.

I grab my phone, AirPods and a hoodie and head downstairs to eat breakfast before I go on my jog.

When I look at the clock it reads 7:30.

I grab a banana and some graham crackers and sit at the table.

"What are you doing awake at 7:30 in the morning" I hear someone ask. I look up and it's that guy from yesterday, Tanner.

"Going on a run, you stay the night?" I ask as he sits down across from me as I shove the rest of the banana in my mouth.

"Yeah the boys and I have a few videos to record together" he replies, I get up to throw away my trash before sliding off my crocs, setting them under the kitchen counter by the back door.

"Welp I'm gonna go on my run, be back in an hour tops, if anyone wakes up, or you wanna help them wake up there's an air horn in the office, on the desk" I laugh as I head for the front door.

"I heard that" Billy laughs walking by me heading for what I assume is the kitchen.


I'm in the middle of my run when I continue feeling like I'm being watched.

This is really creeping me out.

I pull out my phone and decide to call Corey.

- Corey Funk -

I'm sitting at the kitchen table with Capron across from me, and Tanner is beside me when my phone begins to ring.

It's Caroline.

"Hello" I say upon answering.

"Corey I feel like I'm being watched. I feel like I'm being followed, please can you come get me." Caroline says to me.

"Line slow down, first off where are you" I ask Capron and I making eye contact.

I can see the concern in his eyes.

We both get up while I'm still on the phone with her, Tanner not far behind.

"Corey I'm up on the hill I don't know where to go" she says still panting.

I can tell she's scared.

"Line we are in our way just keep talking to me" I say as we hop into Capron's 'dad car' as we all call it.

Soon enough we are at the hill and Caroline comes running towards us, jumping into Capron's arms.

I may have dropped her on occasion so yeah, Capron's never done that and that's why she jumped on him.

"Glad your ok, come on let's go home" I say slinging my arm around her shoulder as we hop in the car.

Capron is driving and I look back at her.

She's staring out the window, Braungardt I assume is doing the same.


When we get hope Line heads straight up to take a shower.

"Glad your sisters ok" Tanner says as we all sit on the couch.

"Me too" I reply as I pull out my phone and go on Instagram.

"I think we should get her a dog" Capron says standing up "we weren't there to protect her and we can't always be, and maybe a dog will help her feel safer"

"Tomorrow, and we can do it for a video" I say, Capron sits back beside me on the couch.

Just know we never got around to it.

Things happened and it life didn't go as we would've thought it planned.

Not five minutes later is when Caroline reappears in an neon yellow tank top, and dark ripped skinny jeans.

"So what are we filming today" Line asks

"We were gonna do something with the trampoline" Capron states.

"Like what exactly" Caroline questions.

"Well you see we have the one of the flipping masters here and another one on his way, you remember Z, your gonna learn how to flip" I say with a slight chuckle.

Funky Love - Tanner Braungardt Where stories live. Discover now