Chapter 4: Pranks and Puppies

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- Caroline Funk -

I wake up in the middle of the night with a pounding headache.

I get up and head out of my room carefully hoping not to wake Tanner.

I head downstairs and turn on the outside lights before heading out into the backyard.

"Figured you'd come out here" Corey says moments later after I had climbed up onto the trampoline to lie down and stare up at the stars.

"What are you even doing up" I question.

"Was in the living room editing a video" he replies jumping up beside me.

"Not gonna lie, and you can't tell Mom, Dad, Capron, or Tanner, but I thought in the beginning that I was gonna die. I really did. If it weren't for you guys I seriously don't know what would've happened to me. If I would have been willing to fight" I remark as I stare back up at the sky.

"Line we all care about you" Corey says laying down beside me. "And I'm pretty sure Braungardt has the fattest crush on you. And we are all surprised at how blind you are to it"

"We are best friends Corey" I say as I get up and jump down from the trampoline. "Go grab the laptop so you can finish editing the vlog. I'll grab blankets, pillows and snacks"

"I hate you" Corey says with a laugh.

"Ya Love me and you know it" I laugh.


"What happened and why the FUCK am I in the pool" I scream while moving around trying to get up.

"And that my friends is how you prank your best friend" Tanner says to his vlog camera.

"Tanner Lane Fuckn Braungart get me the fuck out of here before I drag your ass in here too, camera and all" I scream. 

"No need for such foul language young Funk it's just a prank." Tanner mocks handing his camera to Charlie before jumping into the inflatable pool.

"Why" I laugh.

"Honestly surprised you didn't wake up while we did it" he laughs.

"Who the hell is WE" I yell.

"Drew, Corey, Billy, Capron, and I while Charlie filmed" Tanner laughs.

"You funkers better watch your backs and sleep with one eye open.  I will get my revenge" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"To make this a lot funnier" Corey says stabbing the pool with a pair of scissors.

"Capron is officially most definitely my favorite brother" I scream grabbing Corey's sleeve and pulling him into the pool before hopping onto the ground without getting wet.

I give Tanner a hand out of the sinking pool only to shove him into the real one.

"And that my friends is how the prank quickly backfired on them. Take a lesson from the boys. Don't prank a good prankster and expect to get away with it" I say to Tanners camera.

"Bye guys" I say heading into the house as Tanner and Corey are left to get out of the pool on their own.


"I hear they were the ones who got soaked in the end" Drew say as I walk into the living room having gotten showered and ready for the day.

"Yeah and you two better watch your backs for helping, who's idea was it anyway?" I ask.

"That shall remain a mystery" Drew replies.

"It was all Tanner" Capron says laughing.

"Thanks Cape, you always have been my favorite brother" I say skipping out the front door.


I enter the animal shelter cause I'm thinking about getting a dog.

I brought Tanner cause why not.

He's my best friend, and is over at the house hanging out with me almost all the time so the dog kinda needs to like him.

Plus I'm still not really sure about driving ya know.

"That ones so cute" I squeal as we walk past a mixed breed puppy.

"And she's still her dumbass funny as hell self guys, still pretty dumb tho, don't forget that part" Tanner says to the camera.

"Hey" I defend playfully punching him in the shoulder

"That ones cute too" Tanner says pointing at a bunny.

"So funny" I sarcastically say dragging out the so.

"You know you think I'm funny" Tanner says as we continue walking through the shelter. Turning the camera to him, "I thought that was pretty funny"

"I think I know which one I want to see" I say to the man who's been helping us.

"Ok" he replies, we head to go get the puppy to see her outside the kennel.


"She's totally the one" I laugh as the dog licks me all over the face.

"Guess she found the one. Now to do the boring part" Tanner says before shutting off the camera.

"We can do the paperwork when your ready while someone gets her ready to go" A women says.


"Corey, Capron come outside" I yell to get them.

"OMG it's so cute" Capron says with a voice crack.

"Her name is to be determined however I think I'm going to name her Thea" I say as I let her out of the Jeep.

"Myla and Nova will love her" Corey says with a smile.

I love it when my brothers smile.

Hell I love my brothers, they've been there for me forever it feels like.

"We need to go get her some stuff can we introduce them when we get back from petco?" I ask.

"Yeah that'd be great" Corey replies.

"Just wanted to introduce you guys, now off to Petco" I yell making a fool of myself.

"I wanna come" Kacey squeals.

"Come on then" I squeal back as we all hop into the Jeep.

I love my family.

We might not be blood but they've been there for me through thick and thin, to Hell and back.

If that isn't family what is?


"Welcome to petco anything I can help you with today" A young girl about my age asks as she walks over to Kacey, Tanner and I.

"I was wondering if you or another worker had a brand and type of food you'd recommend for this little one" I ask referring to the pup by my feet.

"I'll be right back" she says.


"Thank you so much" I say as we get the food they recommend, now for the fun part.

"What kind of collar do you want" Kacey asks as we walk down that isle.

"This one is perfect" I reply grabbing a neon striped one.

"And a leash to match?" Tanner questionably asks holding up a matching leash.

"Omg that's perfect" I say as we put it in the cart.

"Now toys" Kacey squeals.

All we are doing is squealing it's to exciting get over it.

We are just a bunch of crazy adults, who got a little over excited about a puppy live with it.

We pick out a few toys, treats and food and water dishes before paying and heading out.

Now to introduce Thea to the rest of the crew.

Funky Love - Tanner Braungardt Where stories live. Discover now