
235 12 17

USA, 2019 A.D.

A drop of rain hit the back of Kai's head, causing a shiver to race down his spine; the chill of the deluge always surprised him after growing up with warm rain. At times he missed the beautiful climate of Beijing, but he had sworn that he would never go back there. He would never go home. But Kai didn't care— not as long as he had his Selene once more. She was more safety and love than any home would ever be.

His heart picked up pace just thinking about Cinder. He had seen her only days ago, but it felt like all eternity. Staying away from her had been complete torture, although it would be worth it in the end. There was no way Kai would mess this up again; he would not fail.

Seeing Cinder had brought Kai a roller-coaster of emotions. Elation at seeing her and adoration towards her beautiful, messy appearance had consumed him, but also sadness. Kai was heartbroken, seeing how tired she looked. Her lost demeanor, and the unbearable anguish that her eyes held. To anyone else she would seem normal— not overly despairing. He knew her, though. He could read her eyes better than any piece of literature. He could feel the aura of her spirit, for it was the only thing that kept him alive. Nothing was more familiar to Kai than his Selene.

Blue had told him that this would happen— her soul would wear out; but he hadn't expected it to appear so visibly. Within her eyes there were hundreds of years, each one filled with pain and suffering. Her spirit contained secrets unknown to even herself, and the agony of it was killing her. Kai needed to set her free of the pain, but it would take time.

He could recall the day of Selene's death with perfect recollection, all of the colors just as bright. All the feelings ever so sour. Everything beginning and ending all at once as Kai had awoken on the throne room floor of Beijing Palace. The memories pulled and played with his thoughts, just as Selene had gently toyed with his inky locks, pulling him into a haze of times long past.

A woman stood before him, swathed in silks of deep oceanic blues. Lungs burning, heart aching, Kaito sat up, confused at first, brushing his sopping hair from his eyes as he pulled his red uniform from his clammy skin.

Perplexed at his condition— why was he soaked in water? Who was this faceless woman who was pacing tranquil steps around his sopping form?

Then he remembered it all.

The floor was back to its mosaic form, all marble and glass rather than water and scales. Not a hint of wetness dewed the hard floor aside from the place where Kaito sat. Everything was as it was meant to be: the walls were still tall, golden, and intricately carved; the ceilings still painted as an angelic sky, filled with mystic birds, clouds, and mischievous, dark-haired angels.

But Selene was gone.

"What have you done with my Selene?" Kaito asked, his voice breaking with rising fear, despite knowing that the worst had already happened to her.

The woman walked around him, her dark feet bare, but painted with swirls of aquatic hues that contrasted against her skin in a mesmerizing way. Kaito had never seen skin so dark as hers. Her dress was blue, but Kaito's eyes could spot hints of green and purple undertones that gave the silk its water-like appearance. In that moment, Kaito knew that this was the Blue Koi. This woman would be either his salvation or damnation.

"Gone," the mischievous deity answered. "Gone, but to return again. Not yet banished to the afterlife, but in a realm of grayness between. She will wait there until next year's winter solstice, on which that day she will be reborn."

Tracing an elegant path around Kaito, the Blue Koi continued to explain in that mysterious, ominous manner she possessed. "You, in the meantime, must gather what you need and leave this place at once."

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