Part 2

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Bit shorter than last chapter.

Tears streamed down my face.

I returned to the tribe as I promised. I knew Qrow wouldn't return, he tried to keep me there, he forced Yang and Ying to be born. He helped Taiyang to rape me under that bar. He threatened me, but I didn't think he'll even do that. Now I had two children from a man who got so drunk he had a threesome with a green haired guy who's trying to be a doctor and a beowolf's corpse. I have no words to explain how or even why.

He thought that I would stay now I had two children. No, I worry for them, but I wouldn't let them hold me down and stop a promise I made to what was basically my family.

After I flew away with Qrow, I made a portal to my children, but pushed Qrow in before closing it. Then I flew to the tribe to announce Qrow's betrayal. After my show of strength to prove myself worthy, I came into the leader's tent, which was now mine and cried for leaving the person I loved to die with his best friend and wolf.

Then I opened a portal to him. That's where I found him, face first in the mud as his wolf cried over him. Silver fire burning trees and anything around him, the armored grimm were all dead apart for a few, who now crawled around, as most of their bodies were burnt, missing or crushed till their bones no longer seemed present. Then as I neared Iris, I noticed someone leaning against a tree. Tyrian. He had several holes in his chest which one even showed his ribs from where the grimm stabbed him. His skin was paler than Iris, who a few mocked him and his sister for their pale complexion. He was dead. There was no question about that. He was impaled more than once and left to bleed out for at least six hours, but Iris was another question. He wasn't fatally wounded; he only over used his eyes.

That's why I was now crying over his unconscious body in my bed while Adala, as she was called, slept in the middle of the tent.

I hope he would awake soon, he wasn't awake the last time and I wished to do it with him as he was at least conscious.

Then the flaps covering the entrance opened and a young woman with incredibly short hair entered. She was skinny, small, but tough, hard and as disease ridden as rusty nails. "Hey boss-"She then noticed the position I was in and slowly left.

I let out a sigh before whipping away my tears. "Vernal, you can come back!" She entered again a bit embarrassed. "Oh, don't act like that. It's not like if you didn't do something like this before..." She looked a bit confused and slightly worried. "I already know about your child. It's no enigma finding her parents with such a resemblance." I explained. "Now, why are you here?" (I know how young Vernal looks, but just go with it, it will have a big impact on the story later)

"Um, someone is questioning your strength." She responded quietly.

I let out a huff. "Already, it's not even been half a day." I got up, washed the redness out of my eye before attaching my shoulder pads and tightening my clothes. Then in front of the exit, I picked up the nevermore mask I made with the help of... I looked back to the sleeping form of him. I put the mask on and the first thing I noticed was how I could easily see through the four eye slits. I picked up my sword, Omen, and placed my sheath on my hip.

Anger was obviously present as I stomped towards the center of the camp. At the center, a group surrounded a large guy who stood proudly with an axe at his side. "Raven!" He shouted. "You're not worthy of this tribe, you and your traitorous brother stayed with the weak for too long!"

"And you're worthy?" I questioned keeping my anger at bay.

"I may not be the best, but I'm no weakling."

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