Part 7

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Time line is going to be a bit messed up.

"Next," the women behind the desk said without even looking up from her paperwork. Well, it's our turn now. I thought, but before me or Leonardo could move, some random person wearing office clothes ran past us covered in sweat while looking around with a terrified expression as if he was being chased.

"You've got to help me lady, my tie is evil and it's trying to kill me!" He shouted. The women looked back at him with a worried expression for a few seconds before noticing me.

"Next, please." She said pushing the man back in the direction of the entrance; while he was leaving I could hear him talk.

"Please don't hurt me." Poor man, I then turned my attention back to the women in front me.

"Yes, excuse me, but I came to talk with the chief of police." I explained.

"Yes, he got the message about your arrival; he's now in his office, top floor, room at the end of the corridor." She replied as she motioned the directions with her hand.

I thanked her before following her direction to with an old friend behind me. "Ozpin, I don't understand what you expect to find here?" Leo said.

"Well my dear friend, when you find someone who has the same skill as someone from around here, but not only is this person younger and less experienced, but he's also deadlier, and you know who else wants a young but powerful pawn, someone who could easily be manipulated." I replied as I could only imagine what would have happened if Salem got her hands on that man, luckily he died. "I left a loose end here, I didn't expect her to act so quickly and efficiently, but she has, and I'm not convinced that she only has one ace."

"Do you think 'she's making her move?" the cowardly lion faunus asked as we stepped into the elevator.

"No, not her, another person who I assumed would play a useful part, but then she decided to be neutral, now she's moving." I clarified.

"Raven caused that explosion?" Leonardo asked as the doors to the elevator opened up letting us off at the top floor.

"Perhaps, you saw the CCTV video; you saw that man, his skill and weapon choice all lead to her. Why do you think I came all this way, I need to see what she has done over all this time."

"Now that you mention this, her tribe has been a lot more prevalent these past few years, their attacks were more destructive and more accurate, they no longer attacked at random, and each attack formed a pattern, sadly only found this pattern recently." Leo said.

"And why didn't you bring this up with the counsel, why didn't you ask for more support?" I asked.

"The grimm were also creating a disturbance, until yesterday did we link the bandit attacks and the grimm invasions."

"What do you mean?" I enquire.

"They led grimm towards a city walls forcing us take precautions and prepare for an attack there while nearby villages would be pillaged."

"Are you telling me that the Branwen tribe were able to distract the Mistralian huntsmen for years and it was only now that we noticed?" I asked which the lion faunus could only nod while looking down, ashamed. "We'll need to talk about this later." I finished as we stood in front of the door with the chief of police of Anima for a second before knocking.

"Come in." A ruff voice responded from the other side of the door. Upon opening the door, we were met with a man who would easily be in his fifties saying by his greying hair with a bald spot, his badly shaved chin also told many stories of how stressful his job was, especially now with the bandits becoming braver. Around him where piles of papers, on closer observation, I was recognized them as the sheets I had to fill each time a nearby village would be attacked or destroyed, others I effortlessly recognized as documents about each deceased huntsmen. "Ah, professor Ozpin and professor Lionheart, yes I remember now, you wanted to speak to me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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