part three

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No the picture isn't mine, I found it on the internet.

Mommy wasn't here today, so as my twin was having fun with dad, I took care of my few months old little sister, Ruby.

While I sat next to her crib, I realized something. How come Ruby has mommy's hair and eyes while Yang has dad's hair, but purple eye while I had the same kind of hair as her, but mine was black and rougher, I have red eyes as well eyes, I look nothing like anyone in this family except uncle Qrow. I realised, but instead of asking dad for answers, I stayed seated and played a bit with Ruby. I knew dad might not let me eat again if I interrupted or even being in the same room as him.

A few tears rub down my cheeks as I realized that he hates me. Silently, I prey to a god like legend that mommy told me about, Peyte Grohiik the silver eyed warrior. I quietly laugh as I remember a friend Yang made mock me saying, Peyte is not real as a faunus couldn't lead anyone or even do anything good. I cried as she told me I was a baby for believing in stories. I'm two! I screeched back, but I knew he was real as I could always feel his presence around and when I was in trouble, I could feel the fire burning.

I force a smile as Ruby's eyelids start to rise and she cooed at me as I caressed her messy mop of black hair with red tips. Seeing the difference between my family and I again, a few more tears escaped and fell on her cute face, she let out a few giggles but started crying soon after, my face scrunched up a bit, but decided to try and calm her down.

An idea popped into mind, Mommy made some cookies before she left I thought before I made my way downstairs towards the kitchen. Luckily, Daddy and Yang were in the garden so I could easily nab a few for Ruby and I.

Once back, I passed one to Ruby, but she didn't seem to know what to do with it. "Here Ruby, big sis is giving you a cookie." I said placing the cookie back into her small hand, but again, she bawled and threw the cookie away, I got a bit sad, so I just left two more of the four I got and left them on her bed before leaving with the last one, but when I opened the door I was blocked by the angry glare and gigantic arms of daddy who looked like he killed someone with them, both individually.

"What are you doing here?" He said glaring at me, but his eyes landed on the last cookie in my hand, his glare returned to my eyes and only hardened, tears of fear welded in my eyes. "Did you steal this cookie?!" He asked angrily while my mind went back to when mommy told me; Stealing is bad, if you take something without permission, you should give it back. Without words, daddy grabbed the cookie, crushing it in his palm and slapped me. The tears that were building up left and streamed down my face. I knew this wasn't the strongest, he has done harder to me and even harder to others, but it was still unpleasant. "You aren't allowed to leave the house; you aren't even allowed to go down the stair until mommy is back!" He shouted before stomping down. He was probably going to call those girls again, they weren't nice and they usually made a lot of noise and kept me and Yang up the night.

Turning around, I walked towards Ruby who stopped crying. When I neared her, I saw something that broke my heart; Ruby was using her first few teeth that weren't even fully formed to chew the cookie while crumbs remain of the first one.

She stopped eating just to look up, her small silver eyes that were filled with wonder and amazement, eyes that were the opposite of my red eyes that were filled with sadness and despair, eyes that I hope she'll never have to look from. "Don't worry, Ruby." I said while she cooed as she snuggled closer to her pillow, within seconds, she was already asleep. "Goodnight." I whispered before leaving her room and entering mine which was shared with Yang. Once I saw my bed, I instantly fell upon it and fell asleep, not noticing the silver eyes, eyes that weren't the same as the innocent ones that Ruby had, no, these ones were filled with knowledge and anger.

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