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Regina woke in her bed. She couldn't remember anything. She remembered her growing up of course, but nothing of the past year.
"Hello?" Regina questioned. There was no response. "Henry?"
She carefully got out of bed, her bare feet touching the cool hard wood.
The former queen walked downstairs. Stopping in the middle of the stair case, she called.
Regina concluded no one was in her house, and went up stairs to get dressed.
"Roland!" Robin gasped, pulling his son into a hug.
"Papa, I was looking all over town for a person to kiss you so you could wake!" Roland exclaimed.
"Oh really?" Robin smirked.
"Yeah! But I couldn't find one. So I came back here to say goodbye, then you woke up!" Roland smiled up at his father, what they thought their small family completed. But they were missing a woman, a woman they couldn't remember.
Regina ran through the doors of Rumplestilskin's shop.
"Why are we here imp?" Regina shouted at the magicain.
"Have we met before?" Rumple pointed at Regina.
"Of course we have crocodile!" Rumplestilskin was obviously get on Regina's nerves.
Rumple looked at Regina, and opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Belle.
"Rumple I think I found-" Belle had a book in her hand, looking down at it. She raised her head to see the customer.
"Oh, hi I'm Belle. I don't believe we have met before." Belle extended her hand to Regina. Regina's face fell, realizing the store owners do not remember her. She ran out of the store, and ran around the small town, trying to find the Charmings. Instead, while rounding a corner, had collided into a man and his son.
"Sorry." The man said, standing up and brushing himself off. He looked down at the woman, only to see Roland helping her up.
"Thank you." Regina said to the boy. The boy looked at her with a curiosity in his eyes.
"You look familiar." He said to Regina. The boy studied her facial features, trying to catch one thing to jog his memory. The queen smiled, and then everything came back to Roland. The memories, her tucking him into bed, the stories before bed time all of it.
"Mama!" Roland shouted, "Mama, missed you, and I love you and missed you and don't let the woman hurt me!" The boy shouted, and latched himself onto the Regina.
Robin and Regina were both very confused about the boys actions, since they do not remember the memories they shared together. Robin removes the boy from the woman's leg. "Sorry about him. He lost his mother at a young age." Robin says, and pats Roland on the back.
"Papa, you have to believe me! We don't you remember-" Roland gasps. "that mean lady who took you away! She erased all the memories of you in the town! Mama, you have to believe me! You and my papa were married and you were planning to have me a bother and-"
"That's enough Roland." Robin says, not removing his gaze from Regina. "Very sorry, again." Robin laughs.
"No, no it's fine." Regina says. "But the part where no one can remember me is true though. But I don't remember who did this." Regina replied, lost in the mans gaze. It was sigh lent for a few moments, until the man extended his hand.
"Robin Hood." He says. Regina was snapped out of their stare.
"Oh, Regina." She says, shaking the mans hand, lost in Robin's eyes. Robin was doing the same for Regina, starring into the darkness of hers. They stayed like this for a moment, until Regina pulled her hand back, nodding and smiling to the man.
"You may not remember us," Roland starred, "but I'm going to find a way." The little boy had a determined look on his face, like he just starred a quest.
"Alright," Regina smiled, and lowered herself down to meet the boys gaze. "but until then, what's your name?" Regina asks.
"You'll see how silly that question is when you remember us!" Roland says, running of to start his new quest.

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