Friends At First Sight

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Just like my other story "Reed900 Oneshots" all of the chapters are gonna be in the 3rd POV. I always feel the urge to tell you guys what each person was wearing soooo

(Markus is wearing a baseball spirit long sleeve and jeans. North is wearing a purple sweater and ripped jeans. Josh is wearing a maroon shirt and a sleeveless jacket, and jeans, again. Simon wore a pink hoodie and jeans. Denimn buddies :D)

  Enjoy :D


Markus ran to the center of the park, leaving Carl Manfred, his step-dad, and Leo Manfred, his step-brother, behind. A ginger haired girl ran up to the center too, so did a blonde haired boy. "Who are you?" The girl walked up to Markus, glaring at him in his heterochromic eyes. "Who are you two? I got here first!" Markus replied back, getting kinda ticked off. "Us 3 come here every morning at 8 am. We've never seen you here before." The now mad girl said as another boy approached them. "Fine, but if I beat you in a race, I'll get into your little group here." Markus challenged the girl. "Haha, alright turtle. I'm North by the way. That's Simon and that's Josh. Thought'd you'd wanna know." North smirked. "Alright, I'm Markus." Markus grinned evily.

Th two racing went into their starting positions. Simon set the rules, "No blocking, pushing, or any physical contact." North rolled her eyes, idicating that she was planning to do all that. "3 2 1 GO!" Simon yelled and the two set off. North started off ahead but then Markus catched up, the space between them expanding as they ran. Once Markus reached the end of the block North was frustrated. "HEY! That was cheating!" North accused Markus. "Oh North, he did literally nothing." Josh said sarcastically. North pouted as Markus grinned evily. "So where we off to next?" The other 3 were confused at the question. "Ah, I know, c'mon follow me!" Markus started running in the direction he just came from, the other 3 followed.

"This place gives ice cream for free. I've been here since I was 2." Markus informed the other 3. Simon rubbed his cute face with his sleeve, idicating that he had to wake up early just to get to the center of the park. Sugar might get him up and running. Markus walked up to the counter to greet the ice cream person. "What flavor do you guys want?" Markus glanced at the three of them. "I'd like butter pecan." North said first. "Chocolate." Josh said after. "Uhm...cookie dough?" Simon said tiredly, making what should've been a statement sound like a question. "I'll have cookie dough aswell." Markus said, making Simon smile a bit. 

Once the 4 kids got their preferred ice creams, they walked back to the park. While Josh and North were eating the ice creams neatly, Simon got pretty messy with his. Getting it all over his lips and cheeks. "Oh my god, be more careful next time Simon." North groaned. "I think I have a napkin, hold on." Markus pulled out a paper napkin and wiped off the ice cream from Simon's face. Simon giggled a bit as the cold treat left his face cool, making Markus smile a little. 

Markus finished his ice cream first, North second, Josh and Simon took a little longer. Simon was the last to finish so he had to throw away the empty cup by himself, but the thing was he didn't know where the trash can was. "It's by the counter." Markus helped Simon. Simon threw away the cup and came back to the group. 

"Where should we go next?" Markus asked. "We should go back to the park, we might get lost if we go any farther then the ice cream shop." Josh warned. "Nah, we should go to the park that gives actual toys for us to play with. They even have coloring books!" North said after. "But that park is like 100 feet away from the icecream shop!" Josh argued. "Markus, what should we do?" Simon said, waiting for Markus' answer patiently. "We should go back. Never know what might happen during the journey over there." Markus pointed back to the way they came from. 

The kids ran back to the center of the park. "Markus! Come over here!" Carl shouted. "Wait a second." Markus said then ran to his step-dad. "I see you made some friends. We have some stuff for you all to play with." Carl said, handing Markus some chalk, coloring books, crayons, and color pencils. Markus carried the stuff back to the other kids, and set the items down. "Wanna play tic-tac-toe?" Simon asked, picking up some chalk and taking the purple one. "Hey I wanted that color!" North whined, reaching for the piece of chalk Simon held. "Fine." Simon gave the chalk to North and she smiled, looking at the vibrant item. Simon took out hot pink one instead. "Uh sure, let's play tic-tac-toe. I bet I can beat you!" Markus challenged Simon, smirking. "No you can't, and I'll show you!" Simon said, encouraged to beat Markus now. Markus set up by drawing the tic-tac-toe board on the concrete, while Josh did the same thing, only a few feet away. "I'll be X, and you'll be O, okay?" Simon nodded, and they proceeded with the game. 

Markus started by drawing an X in the center of the board. Simon drew on the middle top row. Markus put an X in the right corner on the top row. Simon blocked him from going diagonally. Then Markus drew on the right side of the middle center, hoping to get a vertical win, but he was blocked again. The Markus had the perfect opportunity to win. He put an X on the left in the middle row. "Awh!" Simon groaned. Markus chuckled a bit. "Just don't be such a blocker and find the perfect opportunity." Markus advised Simon.  

It looked like North won aswell, from the way she celebrated her victory. "Can we draw now?" Simon asked, looking at the coloring books layed out on the concrete. "Yea sure." Markus grabbed one of the coloring books first, flipping through the pages until he found a completely blank page. He took a black color pencil and started sketching something. Simon watched as black lines formed to what seemed to be a person, holding a flag, wearing a cape, a cap, and a shirt and pants. Then, Markus grabbed a few color pencils and colored in everything. 

The drawing looked pretty colorful to Simon. It looked kinda pretty the way it was drawn. Rainbows but colored in different hues. The way that it was put together was pretty clever to be honest. "Is that you Markus?" Simon asked. "Y-yeah. Why? You like it?" Simon nodded, making Markus a little proud of his work. "Hey guys look what I made!" North yelled from a few feet away. The other three ran over to North, leaving what they were working on to be continued.

Her drawing was a family of dogs, all different breeds. "Is that us?" Josh asked, admiring the chalk drawing. "Yea!" North drew the names above what supposed to be each child. "Should we make a team drawing? Like all of us draw one thing together." North asked. "We should, definitely!" Simon answered brightly. "Then what should we draw then?" Markus asked. "Hm...good question. Maybe...a space drawing?" Josh suggested. "Ooo! We could draw like planets that act like balloons." Simon said. "We could do that." North approved. "Yea, we can draw planet balloons that are floating into space." Everybody agreed on Markus' idea, and they started drawing.

Markus took some grey and light skin colored chalk and started making Saturn. Simon was working on Mars, North on Jupiter, and Josh on the sun. When Markus finished his planet, he started working on outer space, the background. 

About an hour later, they finished. The drawing was beautiful! The fact that the whole group worked on it made it even more meaningful, in some way. "This looks great guys." Markus high-fived the other 3. "It's late, we should probably go now." Josh said, worried. "Yea, do we meet here again?" Markus asked. "Mhm." North smiled genuinely. "Well I'll see you tomorrow. Bye guys!" Markus waved as he walked slowly back to his step-dad. "Bye!" The other three said in unison.


1404 Words

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I update every saturday when I can but until then, bye!

Jericho's UprisingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora