One Kiss Two Cuddle Buds

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The pair were walking to Simon's house and Markus had already contacted his dad that he was going to stay over at Simon's. It had just started to pour lightly when there was a sudden downpour. Markus took his only jacket to cover Simon from the rain. They ran over to a dry spot under a tree. "Simon...I just wanted to ask you something." Markus hesitated. "What is it?" Simon responded softly as water drops landed on his nose. 

"Do you wanna hang out tomorrow? Maybe at the park we met at..."

"Just the two of us?"


"Can you let me do something really quick?"


Simon stepped closer to Markus, his face visibly and furiously blushing. He moved his face closer to the taller boy's. He pecked Markus's lips with his and moved away quickly. "That was my first kiss..." Markus mumbled. "Wait really?! I'm sorry Markus I really didn't know-" Simon was quick to apologize, but got interrupted by Markus. "Y'know, you say sorry a lot." Markus pointed out. "I'm sorry-" Simon shut up as Markus returned the kiss, he blushed again afterwards. "C'mon Simon, I think it's better if we get home quickly so you don't get sick." Markus smiled softly, extending out a hand. Simon grabbed it and intertwined his fingers with the other's, "What about you? Won't you get sick?" Markus chuckled lightly "I care about you right now, Simon. Let's go home." 

A few minutes later and Markus noticed Simon's shoulders sagging under the weight of his backpack. "Do you want me to carry your backpack for you?" Markus offered, rain drops falling onto his nose and forehead. "No, no, you've done too much for me today." Simon declined as he avoided a muddy pile. "Really Si, if you don't want to carry it just give it to me." Markus insisted. "When I say it I mean it. You don't have to." Simon responded. Simon's house was right across the street. "Hold my hand tight." Markus instructed as he looked up and down the street. Markus walked across it and Simon follows closely behind. Markus walked across the path embroidered with path stones while Simon jumped onto each one. "Do you have a key?" Markus asked as he approached the door. Simon checked his backpack, "Nope." Markus ringed the doorbell and waited for someone to answer. Daniel answered the door, staring at the younger kids. "C'mon troublemakers." Daniel opened the door wider for them and went to continue what he was doing. "Come into my room." Simon pointed into a hallway as Markus closed the front door. They walked up to a door that was colored just how his blanket looked at the sleepover. Rainbow paint drip dripping down a white background, but in that white background was a rainbow 'Simon' written. It looked pretty to Markus, and Simon. 

They walked inside and the small room was overly colorful. A fluffy rainbow carpet sat in the center of the room. A calico kitten laid on his bed that had that specific blanket on it. The bed was propped up against the large window that acted like a wall. The bed was raised up to add some storage under it. A TV was on the wall at the end of the bed. Another matress was against the wall, laid at the foot of Simon's bed. The matress and Simon's bed looked real comfy. "You can put your backpack here." Simon pulled out a drawer under his bed and he set his backpack in it, Markus did also. Simon went into his closet to change and Markus went into the bathroom to change his clothes. Markus was the first to finish changing so he laid on Simon's bed, and he was right, it was really comfortable. Markus changed into a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Markus almost fell asleep until he heard the sound of the closet door closing. Simon changed into an oversized red sweater and long socks. Simon didn't ask Markus to move but instead laid on top of him, cuddling with him under the soft blankets. After a few minutes, Markus asked "Do you want to watch a movie?" Simon didn't move from his postition, 

"Yeah, what movie?"

"Hm. You pick."

"I don't know, that's why I asked you."

Markus pouted his lips and searched through the children's section, softly caressing the back of Simon's head. He picked an old movie, one he enjoyed watching. Simon's breathing slowed the more Markus continued caressing the back of his head. Markus kept watching as Simon fell asleep. After a few minutes Markus lowered the sound of the TV so it wouldn't wake up Simon. 20 minutes later now, Daniel checked up on them since they were so quiet. Daniel decided to keep quiet of what he saw because he was gay too, or they were just really close friends. "Do you two want anything to eat?" Daniel asked suddenly, making Markus jump and feel embarrassed. Face red, he answered;

"Do you guys have hot pockets?

"Yeah, one of Simon's favorites."

"Can you get two for us?"


Once Daniel left the room Simon woke up. "What happened?" He groaned, trying to get up. "Lay back down, your brother is getting food for us." Simon seemed to panic, "Daniel? He saw us together?" Markus put a hand on Simon's back and urged him to lay back down. He felt the smaller boy's heartbeat on his own chest 

"Calm down Si, he said nothing about it." 

"But he might ridicule me later!"

"I'll be here later."


"Do you want to watch this movie with me?"


Simon turned over to see the TV, never actually leaving his postition. Markus sat up so Simon would be comfortable in his spot. Markus always cared about Simon, and always will. Daniel came back upstairs with two hot pockets and put it on the bedside table. "Thanks Daniel." Simon muttered. 

After they finished watching the movie, having never touched the hot pockets, they decided to call North and Josh on Skype. "Hey!" North greeted as she answered. "Hello." Josh said. "Do you guys wanna hang out?" Simon beamed. "Oh sure! What time?" North answered. "Maybe at 7?" Markus chimed in. "Yeah that'd be perfect." Josh replied. 

"Well, see you guys later!"


And Markus spent the rest of the afternoon, cuddling with Simon. 

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