Watch Me Play!

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so the kiddoes will have the same thing on of course but Markus and North are in their sports attire. Markus is in baseball and North is in volleyball. ))

Simon sat in the bleachers doing his homework as he watched Markus play in the field. He was relieved that the usual bullies weren't in baseball, they were in basketball and tennis. Markus's practice lasted 2 hours. Every 20 minutes they got a break, Markus used that time to check up on Simon or help him with his homework. Markus already finished his homeowork in lunch period, and he was one of the smartest kids in the class. Their break was 5 minutes, so Markus only had a limited of time. Remember when I said that the bullies weren't in baseball? I didn't say all of them were. 1 was. And that was the girl who said she'd beat up Kara. Well Kara was in the swimming team, which only lasted an hour. So when Kara finished, she went to find Simon in the bleachers. Simon just finished with his science homework and watched Markus closely. "Hey Simon!" Kara waved as she sat down next to him. "You're watching Markus play huh?" Kara teased, Simon's cheeks flushed pink. "It's nothing, I don't have anything to do in the afternoon anyway..." Simon muttered as he partially covered his face to hide the fact he's blushing. It was almost time for the next break, so Kara spotted Markus running up the bleachers. "Hey Si, do you have any more homework to do?" Markus said, accompanied with a soft smile. "N-no...I do have math but I can finish it when I get home." Simon's blush was furious and Kara noticed it, but Markus was too late to. Simon covered his face again, Markus thought he looked adorable. "No, no, I can help you finish it." Kara smirked as she watched the events occur. 

"Markus! The coach needs you for a second!" Connor yelled from the field. "Hold on, I'll go get this." Markus sighed and ran down the bleachers. "Seems like someone has a crush~" Kara teased as Simon's whole face flushed red. "Shut up, shut up, he's coming back up." Simon mumbled as Kara snickered. "You never denied it." Kara whispered to Simon before Markus was right next to them. "Now, that math homework. Just tell me if you need any help on it when my next break comes okay? Or you could just ask Kara," Markus said softly, now noticing the fact Simon's blushing. "See you later Si!" Markus waved as he ran down the stairs. Simon waved back, "See ya Markus!" Kara giggled again as Simon flushed into the same color. "Let me just finish my homework and not die of embarrassment." Simon got his mechanical pencil and started solving. "Hah, see you tomorrow Simon." Kara said as she left. Now, Simon was by himself. Once he finished with all his homework Simon had enough time to think. Did he really like Markus? Well there are obvious signs that he did. But was it true? There was only one way to answer that, but Markus had to agree as well. God he felt so stupid about even thinking about it. Simon waited for the next break by drawing, something Markus helped him do a few times on his breaks. Simon closed his eyes and let his hand drift across the paper. After a few minutes Simon opened his eyes and realized he drew himself and Markus holding hands with a sunset in the background. He instantly panicked and crumpled up the paper, throwing it at the ground in frustration. He couldn't even draw without thinking of Markus in the process.

It was Markus's last break before practice finished. Markus noticed the crumpled paper and decided to pick it up and pocket it. "Need anything else Si?" Markus asked, the soft smile never leaving his face. "No nothing else. I can walk home by myself." Simon sighed, organizing his stuff. "No," Markus replied sharply. He was always protecting Simon, even though most of the bullies weren't even present. "I'll walk you home." Markus declared and Simon didn't even try to protest. "Are you sure you don't need anything else?" Markus said. "Yes, Markus, I'm fine." Simon assured. Markus went back down to the field and made sure that Simon wasn't looking. He took out the crumpled paper and straightened it the best he could. "Markus, why do you have Simon's drawing? What is even on it?" Connor asked, peering over Markus's shoulder. Markus stared at the drawing, his feelings for Simon intensifying as he realized what the drawing was. Markus caught Simon staring at him and Simon instantly looked away, blushing. Markus folded the paper and pocketed it once again, as he did so Connor asked "You like him?" Markus's face flush a light red and he sighed, 

"C'mon..break's almost over..."

((what do yall think these gaybies gonna do??))

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