The News

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That night I lay on my bed, snuggling under the warm blankets. I was reading an article about missing people, *Pa-Ding!* when I receive a message from the group chat, Elizabeth, Emmet, and Robert. 'Oh sh*t! I forgot to let them know I wasn't going to be at school for the rest of the day!' I click on the message, "Where the hell were you?! I looked everywhere!" I sigh, it's not as bad as Elizabeth CAN be. I ponder for a moment on what to reply with. "Hey, sorry. I.. went home early. Uh.. bad stomach 😁 Don't worry I'm fine." I shut my eyes, crossing my fingers, hopping that my lie worked. The letter. I remember where I left it. When I got home I was going to read it but I was also hungry and then forgot about it. I get out of bed and walk down the hallway, and hear dad come home. I go into the kitchen, Oh sweet Jesus! Thank you! It's still on the table where I left it, along with my keys. I quickly grab the letter and rush back to my room. If my dad sees a note or letter.. he's bound to read it. Plus, I wanted to read it before him. I close the door behind me and jump onto my bed. *Pa-Ding(3x)* "Ugh." I mumble aloud. I grab my phone and look at the messages, Elizabeth again. "Hey??? Guess what!" "Hello?" "Cmon guess!!" I roll my eyes, "What?" I reply. "I'm with Tyler! He came to me at lunch and asked me if I wanted to be his gf!!" I scoff, that can't be true. I like Tyler. "You mean.. Tyler Daut?!" "Yeh!" I feel as though a thousand car crashes just happened.. to me, at the same time. No.. this isn't happening! "Your bs'n me rn." "No, I'm not! Message him, ask him your self!" I back out of our conversation and click on '❤️Tyler D. ❤️'
"Hey. I heard some fake news about you." I message him. Three dots pop-up soon followed by, "Whatcha talking about? What fake news?"
"Someone told me you're with Elizabeth Tramp."
"That's not fake." My heart drops.
"You're actually... With Elizabeth??"
"Yes. Silly! I absolutely adore her! If j were to go with any other girl, God. I'd be missing out on so f*cking much!" My stomach turns and flips as I read this.
"Her eyes shine brighter then a full moon, and her laugh is so cute! She has almost no flaws I swear!! She is perfect." I feel as though I just woke up from a freak accident. I'm legally aloud to drink, I'm 22. I toss my phone onto my pillow, stand up, walk over to the door, open it and walk down the hall and into the kitchen. I see my dad sitting at the table drunk as usual.
"Heyyyyy kidddoooooo!" My dad slurs over his own words and raises his right hand only to allow it to fall onto his leg again.
"Hey." I mumble, not in the mood to talk to him. I open the fridge door and grab a few cans of Coors Light, shut the door and walk back to my room. I sit down opening a can and taking a sip. My phone buzzes, I ignore it. She knew. She knew I liked him. She KNEW IT WOULD HURT ME! Maybe I should talk to someone about this, home situation. No. You'll regret  it...... The letter! I look over at my dresser and see it laying there. I get up with a sigh and walk over to it. Placing my drink down next to yesterdays homework I never finished, and grabbed the letter. I plump back down into my bed and open the letter. I took out the folded papper and read;

Hey (Y/N),
Listen. I know we haven't met in person but I needed to tell you, it's not my fault I left you're father. It was Elizabeth Tramp's older sisters. My best friend. She introduced me to some gang members she knew. I eventually got personal with one of them while Sarah got personal with you're father. I came home one night, you were fast asleep. But you're father, was far from asleep. He was as drunk as a skunk, atop of Sarah. I'll spare you the details and skip right to the chase. I left brokenhearted and confused. And regret not bringing you with me. At first. But, I'm sure you're father is still a drunk and... I may be coming to town within the next month. Keep an eye out for me, for I look exactly like you. (Y/N) I'm sorry. I hope to see you soon. And whatever you're father tells you, just know it's a lie. Don't trust anyone.
Love, Mom.

I sigh. I feel like there's more to her story. Why didn't she turn back and come get me? Who were these gang members she was hanging out with? Where did she go? Why didn't she try to contact me until now? Why why why? My phone starts buzzing like someone was calling me. I put the note down and grab my phone to see whose calling. Elizabeth. I hit decline and grabbed my drink to gulp down some. I clicked on Netflix, clicked on (Y/F/S) *you're favorite show* and started to drink and drink until everything was black.

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