Lover-boy Hero

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I feel a soft warm-like feeling on my right cheak and right side of my forehead. I attempt to turn into my right side only to feel a sharp sting all over my back, like sticks and almost dead leaves were being pushed into my back, I groan in pain. I hear shuffling and feel a large yet warm hand on my right shoulder. I squeeze my eyes shut more then they were, as fear set in. "Hey. It's okay, it's just me. Mr. Fischbach, you're safe." I hear a familiar deep soft-smooth voice whisper. I slowly open my eyes an see a soft smile upon his face, his best off and on the chair he was sat in. I relax seeing him and knowing he's in my presence. After studying his features, I look around the room. Wait this, is my room. What happened? I slowly start to get up and onto my knees, then I sit criss-cross on my bed. I look down and try to remember what exactly happened.
"You fell in class, I tried to see why you're back was soaked in a dark red substance. I found out it was blood later on, I place you on a desk and you passed out. I quickly brought you to my truck and searched up you're address. Teacher have access to students address'." He said, followed by a concerned look. I look up at him and pat next to me, indicating for him to sit next to me. He stands up straight and sits next to me, "You feeling okay?" He asks quietly, "My back stings b-but I'm f-fine other t-then t-th-that." I try to reassure him. I look down to see I'm not wearing black ripped jeans, or a black and red shirt and my shoes are near my desk chair. There's badge around my back and stomach. From my hips, all the way up to my chest and stopped under my armpits. I'm now wearing black thin shorts that don't reach my knees. My eyes widen in realisation, the teacher I just met had stripped me down and put me in this without waking me up. What the fuck. "The cuts on you're back, are bad. What happened?" He asked almost begging to know what happened, I look at the door and see it's cracked.
"Is my father home?" I asked, ignore his question. He looked down and shook his head, "No. But the door was unlocked. And.. I cleaned up the beer cans and bottles. And the ones in here." He makes it clear he knows not so good something happened. He clears his throat and stands up,
"Are you hungry?" He stares into you're eyes, as you stare into his. Almost lost in them, for you see sympathy and little pain hiding behind the concern. You look down and a small smirk creeps upon you're lips. "Maybe," You hold back the giggles and the thought. He raises his left eyebrow and slightly tilts his head to the right, "What would you like?" I look at him, my small smirk growing. His eyes widen as he straightens his back and shoves his hand into his pockets. You stand up slowly and walk towards him. He shakes his head and backs up and opens the door, "We just met. That wouldn't be appropriate for right now. A-and you're hurt, I don't want to hurt you more. Uh, I'll make you... Some soup." He quickly looks you up and down before taking his leave. Damn it. I don't know why I did that. Stupid. I turn around and walk over to ny desk and sit in the chair. It's still warm from when Mr. Fischbach sat there. I open my computer to see it's already been signed into.

*HEY Y'ALL! I am going to be switching third person, only because it's what I'm used to, and I keep writing, 'you', 'you're', and 'yours' and it's bugging the heck outa me.*

'Mark E. Fischbach' Mr. Fischbach used my computer to sign into his account? Without asking? Rude much. You sign out and sign into yours and go to YouTube. You click on (Y/F/YT) *You're favorite YouTuber* and slowly lean back into the chair only to shut you're eyes and hiss in pain. You're back felt as though it was on fire, you quickly lean forward and rest you're head on the desk and try to relax. You decide it'd be best if you take a nice cool shower, you pause the video and stand up. You walk over to the dresser and pick out almost the same black thin shorts except they were shorter, you grab a baggy shirt and a towel. No need for underwear, and a bra would hurt. So with that, you open the door and walk down the hall slowly opening the door and turning on the light. You close the door slowly and quietly, you set you're clothes down on the counter and look into the mirror. You sigh and push some hair out of the way. You turn towards the shower and turn the nob to Lukewarm. You wait a minute or two and undress. You step into the shower and close you're eyes allowing the water to heal you for that moment. You close the shower curtain and relax knowing your safe. You hear the door open and hear it close. You shot you're eyes open in fear you may hear or see something you don't want to hear or even see just yet. You slowly pull the curtain open a little and see there's a note tapped to the door. You sigh in releif knowing everything okay. You close the curtain and continue to take you're shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2020 ⏰

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