~Chapter 2~Vince Do You Want Anything To Drink ?

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Tommy smiled as he started talking to Vince again . "Vince do you want anything to drink ? And can I ask you another question  ?" He asked curiously . "Yes go ahead also yes please I would like something to drink I'll have a water with lemon please ." nodded Vince . "Alright  what's your real name like the one you were born with I know now your stage name is Vince Neil but what was it before that ?I remember you told me once when we met before but I'm not really good with names." He asked curiously . " Vincent Neil Wharton ." He answered . "That sounds pretty cool I like it and here's your drink ." Tommy said as he passed a glass of water with lemon in it . "Thanks ." Vince smiled as he then took it then started drinking it . " You're welcome ." Tommy replied back .

-Two minutes later -

"Do you want anything to eat are you hungry or no ,Vince ?" Tommy asked . "Nope I'm good thanks for asking though and maybe later ." He replied back. " Alright ." Vince then had changed his mind . " Ya know on second thought yeah I'll have something to eat I'm a little hungry can I have a bagel with cream cheese on it ?" Vince spoke again . "Sure ." He then went to the kitchen then brought out the bagel from the bag and spread some cream cheese over it then brought it out to him as he handed it to him on a blue plate . "Here you go enjoy ." Tommy replied . Vince took a hold of it . "Thanks ." He smiled and began eating it . "No problem ."

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