~Chapter 42~ Okay I'd Have To Say That Was Definitely Scary.

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Vince took a deep breath before he started talking about what had just happened on the phone. "Okay I'd have to say that was definitely scary I was terrified when that voice came on the phone like that ." He had said . "I know same here but we both know he won't call again whoever it was isn't that right Vince ?" I asked as I had told him as well . "Yes indeed." Vince nodded in agreement . "Next time we see Tommy we gotta tell him what happened did you block the number after the guy had called ?" I asked curiously. "Yeah I did  and yes we should tell Tommy about what happened I agree ." He nodded . "Alright good to hear ." I said . "Yep ." He replied .

"I just hate hearing creepy voices on phones it just freaks me out . I once had a panic attack one time when I heard someone say something creepily and let me tell ya it wasn't good at all but then I calmed down then everything was okay ." He had explained . "Never knew that and that's good that you were okay after ." I had replied as I hugged him .

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