It's Party Time Baby (2)

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Colby's POV

Even though I only knew Anna hour I can feel like I found the one girl that I can have as more than a friend but Mike also really likes her to so I guess Mike we'll have everything that I've ever wanted because every girl that walks in my life even if they're just a friend Mike always fucking gets what he wants I keep thinking, I ran as fast as I could into the hospital because I was really worried about her as soon as I got to the front counter, "Hi do you know what room Anna Russell is in?" "214 second floor sir" "Thank you" I said and as soon as she opened the doors I took the elevator to the second floor I passed 200,210 AH 214 I opened the door, I stepped inside "Shes still in surgery" Kat said so I took the other seat next to her, " Okay, hey Kat can I tell you something but you cant tell Sam not even Anna" I said holding my pinky up for a pinky promise she got the pinky promise and nodded as a sign of go on, "So I Really like Anna, for the first time since I dated Shea I never like someone more than just a friend but she's different she's just so perfect which I guess that's why Mike likes her as well, but Mike he always gets what he wants and if he wants Anna he'll get Anna and I have this strong feeling that Anna would like him more than me" I said looking down almost about to cry, Kat put her hand on my shoulder "Aw Colby I think she will like you but she likes to get to know you before she thinks about dating someone" she said and took her hand off my shoulder then everyone else had came into the room, 20 mins later Anna cames back from surgery.

Anna's POV

I woke up in a hospital bed and I felt someone holding my hand " JASON STOPP....STOP PLEASE" I shut my eyes and looked over to the chair next to me and saw Colby holding my hand, he slowly let go of my hand " I'm sorry Colbs I thought you were Jason" I said grabbing his hand to hold again "Who is Jason?" Colby said "My Ex Boyfriend and also the person who raped me at the party" when I finished that last sentence Colby looked mad as hell.

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