Chapter 4

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I wasn't really listening to what Roman was saying

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I wasn't really listening to what Roman was saying.Neither was 10k.We we're still stuck in the community with no way out.We could leave but not with 10k in this state of mind and him being almost defenseless.I was trying to hold it together for him because he didn't need to see me crying over what happened to him.Now I let him deal with his trauma his way.I knew this was going to be hard from him,these past years his whole life has been built off his kills and now with his trigger hand gone,I don't know how he'll handle this

"Can you do it?"He handed me the glass slide with Sarge's blood on it and I nodded.I touched his shoulder and walked to the front of the memorial and handed it off to Sun Mei.Sun Mei smiled tightly at me and as I turned to go back to my seat,10k was gone.No longer sitting there


I walked over to Red from her corner where she was standing.I touched her shoulder and she flinched away from me "Have you seen,ten"

"He just went to the bathroom.He'll be back soon"

"Did he tell you this?"She nodded and looked down and away "I'm sorry...for cutting his hand.I probably should have asked you and him"

"No,Red.You don't need to apologize.I reacted out of anger and hurt and the feeling of loss.You did what you had to.You saved him and for that i'm eternally grateful.Thank you"She nodded her head and I looked down at my arm.What if there actually was another way to save him?He was bitten by Murphy,surly he had to be immune to the virus...right?There was no way of knowing now because his hand was gone and he is clean from the virus

"Sun Mei wants us to meet her in the lab soon.Ill see you there"I nodded and watched as she walked away and waited for 10k

"I'm sorry.Now for your hand because you know i'm sorry for that but Sun Mei said something that really spoke to me know.I want to move past what happened at the base"

"You want to forgive me because Sarge is gone"The way he said it made it seem like he was stating a fact.And it hurt

"No.Of course not.Sun Mei made me realize that after everything we've been through I can't just let you go because of some stupid kids.And yeah,maybe you did like Sarge in a romantic way and yeah maybe it hurts to realize that but Tommy"You grabbed him by the face and made him look at you "I love you.I will always love you and after this"You gently grabbed his wrist

"I cant bear to be mad at you and have something even worse happen to you.Itll take time for us to get back to what we had.But I promise you,we'll be alright"He let a tear fall as he nodded his head and pulled me in for a hug

"We'll be okay"He nodded and held me tighter

10k was looking at his hand in a box when Sun Mei and Red came over

"How are you?"Sun Mei asked and 10k turned to them

"How soon can we get out of here?"He asked,that question was on your mind too

"You need time to recover,you don't want an infection"Red said

"The longer we stay here the harder it'll be to get out"

"He's right"I agreed but I also knew he needed time to heal

"Let me take a look"We sat him down on the chair and Sun Mei began to unwrap his bandages.It was sticky and green-ish looking color

"It's healing beautifully"Sun Mei lied

"No it's not"He got up and pointed to his hand "Thats my hand right"

"Yeah,Red went back and found it"

"I want you to see it back on"He demanded

"It doesn't work like that"She shook her head

"Well what am I supposed to do with this"He exclaimed as he showed us his hand

"Babe,I know this isn't ideal for you.But I know you can get through this"I rubbed his arm trying to comfort him

"You know there are prosthetic options"She was cut off when Roman walked in

"Roman,what are you doing here?"She asked

"I know you're busy so I won't take up much of your time.I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed to complete your research.Its important now more than ever"He turned to 10k and looked at his arm. "I heard you lost a hand.Im very sorry"

"Oh it's okay.They found it.Its right there"10k pointed behind him sarcastically

"Well when you're done with everything come see me.Were doing great things with robotics.I can help you.Now I got some meeting with other outpost leaders to discuss where we go from here.You. an update me in detail then"He gave us all a once over before leaving

"God I just want to punch him in his smug face.How he thinks he controls you Sun,he's wrong in the head"I shook my head

"Well we cant do anything about it now.Until we find a way out,we're stuck"

"Really"10k held up a prosthetic with a painted red manicure

"I'm just trying to find a solution until we can engineer you a better one"

"How long will that take?"He asked

"That's hard to say with the lockdown.Theres a lot of wounded to take care of"

"Okay I hate to say it but he should be first priority.I mean we're literally saving the goddamn rest of the world here from being killed"I exclaimed and ten put his hand on my shoulder

"Just give me something that I can pull a trigger with"That's probably going to be a little hard

"Let's go"I pulled 10k up and grabbed his gun

"Where are we going"

"We are going for a walk and find a way to get out of here when the time is right.Cmon"

There were even more guards out in patrol with everything happening so we had to keep a low profile.

"You think they're waiting for us?"He asked

"I don't know.Knowing how things go they're probably dealing with some other issues right now.Were going to find a way to get out of here safely and get you a way to shoot again.Because you're ten thousand and you can do anything.I swear to you"

He nodded and looked down at his hand, "I hope so"

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