Chapter 7

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"If there's one thing I learned,is we all want everything to be okay.We don't even wish so much for fantastic or marvelous or outstanding.We will happily settle for okay,because most of the time,okay is enough" -David Levithan

We will happily settle for okay,because most of the time,okay is enough" -David Levithan

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"So what do you know about this bakery"Warren asked as we walked out of Limbo

"Supposedly it's where they bake the bizkits"

"So hey the big mystery around these bizkits anyway?"I also had been thinking the same thing as Murphy

"Nobody likes to talk about the fact that they contain human brain matter"George answered

"Well where do the brains come from then"I asked

"No one knows"

"It's time we find out"Warren said

"Brain bizkits?How was this not your idea murphy"10k asked

"Laugh it up,stump boy.One of these days the apocalypse is gonna make me a rich man"I smiled sarcastically at Murphy before kicking him in the shins.He groaned in pain and held his leg

"Still got it,Sarah"I smirked at him before joining the group who was looking at a map

"Let me point out a few obvious red flags,backwood yokels,secret brain bakery and i'm sure I hear banjo music in our near future"And it looks like we were splitting up,

"You follow Dante back to Altura with George and make sure he gets a fair trial"Warren said to Doc and I turned and gave Doc a hug before turning to George

"You got this.If anyone can bring Dante home it's you"George smiled at me before hugging me "Thanks"

I looked over and seen there was only two ATV's but there was a motorcycle.I laughed loudly and skipped up to it.

"You guys remember my motorcycle when we first met?God,those were the good ole days"Addy and Warren laughed I stepped over the bike and turned it on "Yeah,baby"

"Lead the way,Warren"I said and she smirked before pushing on the pedal and talking off,Addy followed her and I followed Addy

We all drove side by side as we pulled up to a building below us.We parked the vehicles and got off to look down at it

"This it?"Warren asked

"Looks abandoned"10k said

"Doesn't mean nobody's home"Murphy kneeled down on his knees and looked uncertain

"What is it?"I asked

"It must be it.I smell brains"We all started to to walk down when I caught up to Murphy

"Do you remember when you bit me?"He scoffed and looked at me "Trust me,it was one of the most horrific experiences I ever had to do"I chuckled before continuing

A Zombies Ending(Z Nation 10k Fan Fic/Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now