Chapter 5

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"It's just that...I just think that some things are meant to be broken.Imperfect.Chaotic.Its the universes way of providing contrast,you know?There has to be a few holes in the road.Its how life is" -Sarah Dessen

I watched as 10k tried shooting cans off a tree stump and him getting more and more frustrated each time he missed

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I watched as 10k tried shooting cans off a tree stump and him getting more and more frustrated each time he missed.He no longer had his trigger hand so it made things a lot harder.For now he was using this make shift stump with a wire attached so he can pull the trigger.After a couple more shots he sighed in defeat "Damnit"

"Here let me take a look"I helped him put down the rifle "It's fine"

I took off the make shift trigger and he winced in pain, "It's not fine"I shifted his bandages and he grimaced as I did.Seeing him in pain made it hurt just as bad

"Sorry"I took the stump and pushed it back on gently

"Maybe you should take a break.Or try using your left hand"I wanted to try and help him with whatever he needed but it was hard and I knew that.He felt he was nothing without his amazing shot

"Just forget it"He walked past me and stopped to stare at the cans before walking past them and into the woods

I sighed and debated following him.I didn't want him to go far and encounter Z's and something horrible happen to him.But I also didn't want him to feel defenseless.Because I knew that's how he felt.I didn't know what else to do.So I gave him five minutes by himself before I started to get worried.I knew he needed time to heal and cope with his missing hand but he knows I'd get worried if he was gone for a while.So I started walking in the direction he left from.

I debated calling his name but decided against it incase there was Z's or he just wanted some more time for himself.He was dragging his feet in the dirt and leaves so it was easy to follow him through the woods.Especially with his large footprint

In all honesty I was starting to feel bad that I was upset for so long.He was just trying to apologize and make things right and here I was making things ten times harder.And look where that got us.Hes missing his hand.I wish things could go back to when we first started this whole mess.Things were simpler;get Murphy to California.Now there's people zombies and new countries starting

I heard a gunshot go off in the distance then another.So I sped up my past in the direction in hopes I would find him.I stopped when there was a sign saying this was the Altura border and there was zombies past it.I walked closer and seen there was bullet holes in the tree

"Oh,Tommy"I sighed and kept walking where his feet started dragging more

My feet carried me to a building with gates all around it and I seen 10k's handkerchief on the ground.I furrowed my brows as I gripped onto the gate and threw myself over.I started walking towards the building when I heard someone coming.I hid behind one of the many trucks they had as they opened up a garage and another truck.They guy ran to the other side and I went to take a peek inside only to see my Fiancé crouching in the back

"What the hell"I whispered and ran back behind the truck when I seen the ball of zombies rolling into the truck "No!"I whispered yelled as the man locked the hatch and and climbed in the drivers seat

"Shit"I opened the door of the car and hoped in.I reached down and pulled the wires out and began to hotwire the car "Cmon.Cmon"

The truck with 10k in it was starting to leave my view and just in time people noticed that I was in here and came to stop me.The car roared to life and I laughed and stepped on the engine to catch up with the truck

I trailed behind them,sure they would notice I was here but hopefully they won't stop.And they didn't.Not until we got on a path far from where we started and I parked the on the side of the woods.I watched as the men opened up the hatch and let the Z ball roll out and down the path.I sighed happily once I seen 10k drop down from the roof and out the truck.I stepped on the pedal and drove towards him

I slowed down once I got close enough and got out and hugged him "I thought you were dead.Jesus"

"You followed me?"

"I didn't want anything bad to happen to you,ten"He threw his hands up and groaned "Great now you think i cant fight"

"No.I didn't say that.I just want to be there for you incase something happens"I said

"Yeah,because I only have one hand"He retorted

"Because I love you,stupid!After you lost your hand I realized that life fucking sucks ten times more than it already did.Wanna know why?Because I realized that I can lose you!And I don't want to.Yes,I was mad at you but it was stupid.I love you and I don't know what i'd do if anything else happened to you,okay!"I panted out and looked up at the man I loved.It was quiet for a second before he pushed me up against the car and kissed me.I sighed happily into the kiss and pulled away after a second

"Are we okay?"He asked and I nodded my head "Were more than okay"

"Get in"I said and I dropped myself back into the drivers seat and him in the passengers

"Where to?"I asked and he shrugged

"I don't know.Anywhere but back there.We have to find Warren"I nodded my head

"Agreed.Lets get the show on the road"I stepped on the engine and gripped his hand in mine as we drove down the path together

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