Prologue: On the Front Porch

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Marinette walked around the room she had been kept in for several days. She was paranoid.

All of a sudden, a blonde haired woman walked into the room and sat at the table in the middle of the room. She opened a single file she had and took out a piece of paper to push toward Marinette.

"I already told you. I'm not signing that," Marinette clarified.

"I don't think you see the whole picture. This contract will allow you to get away from this pain you have," the blonde haired woman state.

"What do you know about my pain, lady?"

"I've told you before. My name is Mrs. Graham de Vanily. You are welcomed to call me Mrs. Amélie if that better suits you."

Marinette slammed her hands on the table. "I don't care what your name is. All I care about is you letting me out of here. If you do, I won't say your name to the police."

"Now, now. You wouldn't do that. After all, I only desire to help you."

"Leaving me in this room isn't helping me at all! My parents are going to be worried sick about me! I also have school!"

"We have handled that. Trust me, this will help you."

Marinette stood straight up and looked at Mrs. Amélie in the eye. "What is this contract suppose to allow again?"

"Just five years of your life. It will be as if you are asleep, but your body will be taken care of. As well as your family. They will receive a certain payment each month during your time with us."

"And what about my school. I can't just miss it."

"You will be excused for your time with us and at the end of the five years we will give you all of the knowledge you missed."

"I might as well skip all of college if that is what you can do."

"This contract only allows five years, dear. You are only going to miss one year of college at the most."

Marinette sat down. "If I sign this, my family will be taken care of? My school won't bother looking into where I am?"

"Yes. You will also be fully taken care while you are with us and after you leave us. Your family will have enough resources to thrive in their baking business."

Marinette looked at the contract. "You got a pen?"

Mrs. Amélie took a pen that was hooked onto the file and gave it to Marinette. Marinette took the pen and stared at the contract once more. She then signed it.

Afterwards, Mrs. Amélie said, "Well, my dear, welcome to the Dollhouse."

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