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Aro figured out a while ago that her parents verbally abused her and that they were narcissistic and helicopter/over controlling. Roughly when Aro was eight her parents spilt and her dad had started to be more controlling and treated her more like a slave than his daughter. He also neglected her food so most of the time she could only eat when she bought food with her own money. He rarely ever gave her money, it was always the money she got from working or yard work for the elderly neighbors. When her mom died ever though she abused Aro , Aro still loved her and wanted to see her one last time but her dad didn't allow her to do to the funeral. Her parents before they spilt were dubbed as narcissistic and narcissistic helicopter by Aro herself even though she was only six at the time she still knew what narisicctic people were and still are.
Her dad after she turned twelve started to physically abuse her and he didn't care if she could cover it up or not. So when at school she got bullied a lot but the teachers allowed her to skip homework if she didn't get it done and she had a late pass to her first period to go to the nurse's office so she could get all fixed up. A lot of students were jealous and didn't like her for that, so she got bullied often. Aro had a friend in school who was her only friend until after she moved and met jess. Kayli had abandonment issues so she was over at aro's house a lit knowing she would have someone that would never abandon her at least she was over at Aro's house when aro's dad wasn't home. Aro when she was younger had to deal with gangs and drug dealers as neighbors until they moved after her mom died. Later when she was old enough she moved out of town from where she had moved with her dad and two weeks after moving in she met jess in the library's history section. They talked for a bit before deciding to go to subway. Aro's family is German and Jess's family is German and Scottish which they found out by trading stories abd childhood problems. Aro had found out Jess had eight siblings, four with Autism , two with Bipolar and two with Epilepsy and one of her siblings with Epilepsy also had a severe case of Scoliosis.
Jess was also the oldest of her siblings and came out as Non-Binary in 10th grade which created a lot of problems in school and at home but she made her way through them just fine by having three trustworthy friends and finding a therapy support group where no one would judge her because they all had similar problems. Now a lot of people get Non-Binary mixed up, non-binary doesn't mean you don't have male or female parts; it is more how you feel, if you feel sometimes you are classified as neither a female or male but that has a different name. Non-binary people usually change their name to a gender neutral name like Carson, Riley,sky as for Jessica she changed her name to jess. {I know Jess is non-binary but in this story not to confuse people , Because if other people didn't have a valid reason I would be angry too, since I am also non-binary.) Aro has received a lot if mental, verbal, and emotional abuse from her dad and just recently physical abuse which caused her to have trust issues.But she sees Jess as an older sister and trusts her because she knows the pain of abuse from parents and family members. Aro trusts her the most out of everyone she knows since she's gone to college. But her dorm mates understand because they've all had some type of abuse/neglect from family/parents and they also respect the trust issues part and don't question her further on it, which Aro is grateful for. 
Because some things are meant to stay a secret and not be shared with other people like some things both Aro and I have gone through. This story has been created because of books I've read that caused me to write this book but also experiences of my own like that made me write this book. So people; understand that some things can't be shared through talking but rather through books or writing their feelings down. Even when some people have things that are meant to be secrets, they don't have the emotional support they need to deal  with their problems so instead they write a story about it.

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