Chapter 3 Aro's pain

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They got a substitute for their one art teacher because the teacher’s mother had died and aro had a bad start with the sub. Hello , all students my name is Mr.Colin but you shall all call me Master Colin. [When Aro heard that she utterly panicked jumped out of her seat and grabbed her stuff. She then ran all the way to Jess's house and let herself in. She was panicking and on the edge of a P.T.S.D relapse.] [In Aro’s relapse] Bitch get up right now. Ok master. Bitch I said get up [ aro’s father roared] And if you know what is good for you DO NOT TALK BACK TO ME. Aro slowly got up because it hurt so bad to get up with the recent whips and burns on her back and shoulder blades. Get up faster! Aro tried to get up faster but failed and crumpled down to the ground. Her father whipped her with his belt again and tied her back down to the table and brought the butcher knife back down to her back and cut down from her left shoulder to her right hip but not very deeply. He continued to torture her before saying next time get up faster bitch. Aro whimpered in pain and started to fall  unconscious. Her father untied her and walked upstairs saying worthless bitch I should have killed you. Aro heard this but then fell into complete unconsciousness. About three hours later she woke up in horrible pain and slightly whimpered in pain but not that much just incase her master could hear her and to be honest it hurt too much to whimper much less breathe. She then found the strength to get up and go to her room. She then saw it was near school time so she got all ready and went to the school. 
Aro had just got to her first period and the teacher was a sub and the teacher said Ms. Aro you are very late. Aro dropped her stuff as her adrenaline faded away and she dropped down unconscious. Some of the new girls screamed out in fright and the teacher looked absolutely shocked and slightly horrified. {After she was brought to the nurses office the nurse did as much as possible since there was not an ambulance service where they were at because back when Aro’s father had been mayor which was before he was police chief he removed the service basically by not paying them but one Paramedic insisted she would do it no matter if she was payed or not but she was “ disposed of” . 
 Aro stayed unconscious for nearly the whole day but at last during 8th period she awoke and the nurse started to ask her questions. Her father couldn’t be arrested because the police are stuck up and on his side. Not only because he is very rich but also because he used to be the police chief of the town and all of them respected him for that and only believed him. So her dad could get away with abuse whenever he wanted and anyone who opposed was arrested, so they just had to help aro by wrapping up her wounds and caring for her.} 
Back about 15 minutes in the class Ana and Del looked at each other both thinking oh no. Mr. Colin spoke do any of you know what just happened? Del raised her hand. Yes Ms. Del? Mr. Colin spoke. May I speak to you out in the hall please? Del spoke. [Mr.Colin looked confused but nodded, Del also grabbed her phone.] After they were out in the hallway, Mr.Colin spoke, so Ms. Del what did you want to talk about? So you know how Aro ran out just now? Del spoke. Yes…? Mr.Colin spoke. Well she has her reason not for trusting us very much but she has told both me and Ana some things from her past and I believe you may have triggered a ptsd flashback for her, If you want to know a bit more call 326-739-6917 [please do not call this number i have no idea if it is a real number or not]. Jess who has known Aro longer than either of us can tell you a bit more if you want to. Del spoke. Ok, thank you. Mr.Colin spoke. {They went back into the class and continued class now back to Aro.---->]
Aro finally came out of her relapse, and gasped when she checked the time. Not because she missed a lot of class but because that was the longest relapse she’s ever had. 
A white portal opened up behind her and Eloni and Meytomi came out. Come with us young Aro. Eloni spoke. [Aro then trembled while getting up and followed them back into the portal.] They popped out at a new place that aro had not seen in the void before{she got a tour of the void last time}. It turned out to be a mix of a library and a garden. Come sit with us Aro. Metomi spoke. Aro then sat down with them in a small circle while they begin to chant. “Nona itae, nona itae, nona itae, cloud estra nona itae cloud estra.” Then all the sudden they were in a white space with black but color flashing boxes all around them. Aro then realized they were in her mind looking at her traumatic memories and why they were flashing was because she could only remember parts of it. Do you know why we are here Aro? Metomi spoke. To look at my traumatic memories. Aro spoke. Eloni to Metomi in their sibling bond [She is very talented, she knew why she was here. Should we bring jess here next time as well?] {She is, I do not know we shall see how this time goes.} You know exactly why we visited you and brought you here, you are very intelligent young one. Metomi spoke. Thank you, but I would like to get on with what you intend to do. Aro spoke.

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