Chapter 1 The voice

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Aro was walking from her friend's house to her dorm when she heard a deep voice growl in her head, (come here, child). Who are you? ( That does not matter right now, child). Aro growled and asked again, I said who are you? (It does not matter child). You're not gonna tell me, are you? ( You don't have to talk out loud child). *Scoff* Are you sure about that? (I can read your thoughts child) No duh. (Do not sass me, child) First of all, it ain't sass and second of all, I ain't no child. (I shall be back child) Ugh, I said I wasn't a child, Aro thought annoyed.
Aro continues to walk down the street to her dorm, completely ignoring what happened with the "voice". Aro had just been to the Library[ after going to her friends' house] outside of the University to get some books to read and some study books.  Aro also thought she should think over what happened with "The Voice" and write down what she remembered and do some research about it. One of the books she got from the library is about the different demons, devils and evil spirits. Aro's friend Jess is taking a year off of school before going to college  while this is Aro's second year of college out of a four year college period.
Aro then sighed to herself if I had a normal stalker I'd be fine. (I'm no stalker child) Oh yeah? Then how come you knew who I was and where I am? (That shall not be revealed right now, child).
Aro had just got back to her dorm which she shares with Anea and Delta nicknames are Del and Ana. All three of them are going four years for business and the arts. [They all are taking Japanese and German and currently have two essays to write, one for each language class.  Aro and Del had already completed their Japanese essays while Ana decided she wanted to do the german essay first and is currently halfway through the essay while she has not started on the Japanese essay. Aro is halfway through her german essay and Del just started her german essay and all essays are due on tuesday.]
{Back to current time Saturday at 12pm }
Aro, you're finally back Del spoke. Yay, my study buddy is back Ana spoke.
Wow glad to see I've been missed so much Aro said. Are you ok?, you don't normally react like that.Ana and Del spoke. Yeah, I'm fine just encountered something weird today Aro said while rubbing her arm after putting her bag down. What was it I see weird things all the time I might understand Del spoke. Well, you see there was this voice thing that entered my mind after I had visited Jess and gone to the library, it kept calling me child it also kept saying it's not important right now. Then it went away for a little while and then came back when I thought that if I had a normal stalker I'd be fine because I've been in self- defense classes since I was six and I'm currently nineteen Aro spoke. Hmm, sounds like an evil mind spirit or a trade/mind demon Del spoke.
 Great thanks Aro spoke sarcastically. No problem and don't , I will help you get through it, right Ana? Del spoke. Yeah sure I mean I'll try but I might not be very much help Ana spoke. Don't worry Ana you will do fine as long as you help support Aro you will do just fine Del spoke. How about we eat some cheese pizza for lunch? Ana spoke.  Yeah sure that sounds good Del spoke.
{The girls went to their kitchen area and heated up the pizza}
Aro and Del both had cheese pizza while Ana had Pepperoni pizza. They decided to eat their pizza then work on their essays. When they were done all three of them had both essays done, it was 7pm. Aro decided to write down what happened with the voice in a spare notebook she had under her bed. Ana and Del were reading into their Deutsche/German Translator book while Aro wrote down today's odd events. Later Aro decided to read into her Deutsche/German Translator book for her German class. When they were all done it was 9pm and they decided to get ready to go to bed but, Aro didn't feel tired yet so she decided to lay on her bed and read a book called The Price Of Privilege she got this book from her cousins Leah and Dom last Christmas and she was loving the book. When Aro decided to put the book down and go to sleep it was nearly eleven pm and she was almost through with the book. { in Aro's dreamscape}
What, where am i? {she was in a pitch black area but there was a light that looked nearly fives miles away in front of her. You are in my dimension now Aro.  What, where? Who are you? My name is Metomi and I am currently speaking through your head. Oh so are you the same guy from earlier? And where am I? No I am not the same guy from earlier that was my brother  Dontibo who is a hothead. You are in my dimension but it is also called the void.  Oh well that makes some sense I also kinda figured you weren't the same guy since you said my name instead of child , uh void like nothing is there it is empty?  That is correct young Aro while you are not very young to your species you are much younger than my siblings and I. Oh ok and since you said it nicely you may call me young Aro instead of how your brother called me child without asking nicely. Ah yes and the main reason I called you to my realm is to warn you of dangers to come. Ok, wait dangers? What kind of dangers? Dangers that acquire you to be awakened. What do you mean awakened? You must become awakened to those from my realm and the more than seventy eight other realms of the underworld of either lightness or darkness.  I don't understand. When you wake up there shall be a brown book with a strange star symbol on the front and five red swords through it. 
It shall tell everything about what is to come and the dangers that shall follow and all the info that comes from our realms also the words of the book and the book itself only appears to you , your roommates will see any other book.
Oh ok so I have to read to get the answers to all my unasked questions? Yes is that ok? Yeah I love reading I just have one more question You may ask. So will I be tired when I wake up or will I be well rested? You will be well rested the time here is different that your earth time so you shall be well rested instead of tired. Ok good even though it is sunday tomorrow we have three of our classes. I understand now I shall send you back to your dorm in the earth dimension. You can just call it earth or my dorm room.  I shall Aro thank you also I will now be sending you back. Ok talk to you later Metomi. {Aro then wakes up}.
    [it was currently four in the morning right as Aro woke up]
Hmm I should look for that book metomi told me about.. A strange star symbol with five red swords through it and a brown covering, Aro spoke softly to herself.
(Aro normally gets up around 4:30-5:15 am so this isn't really that different for her) She then looked under her bed and found the book so she decided to read it for a while.
    Chapter 1 Info about the void
When you first go to the void if it is because you are summoned you will find yourself in a pitch black area with a light far ahead and metomi will have a talk with you as to why you were summoned. If you are there because you crossed through a threshold then you shall appear in one of the many valleys or plateaus then one of metomi's siblings shall come and talk to you most likely one of the sisters will be the first to talk to you...  Woah that's cool Aro spoke softly for her dorm mates had not yet woken. 
She decided to go over her essays because they would be turning them in today even though it was sunday. The two language  teachers had told them on Thursday [when they got the essay] that if they went to class on sunday they would be done with those classes two weeks early. So later when Del and Ana woke up she had found two mistakes in their written essays after going over them fourteen times and helped both of them fix their essays,
Later the three of them were walking down the hallway to their classes their dorm is connected by over street bridge/hallway. They had all their homework and supplies with them and were talking brightly among themselves  ,but that was when Del noticed that Aro wasn't talking as much as them and had a downcast look on her face. Aro what's wrong? Del spoke. What if I'm all the sudden different towards you guys because of what is happening to me? Aro spoke. It's not fine but it will be ok Aro spoke Del. But what if I'm all demon possessed or something? Aro spoke. It'll be ok but we are almost to our Deutsche class let's push this to the back of our minds for now and bring it back after we are done with all our classes Ana spoke. That sounds like a good idea Del spoke. 
Later after their classes, Hey it's almost 11:45 let's go get subway for lunch Ana spoke. When they got to the subway 2 streets before Jess's house they all decided to get foot long sandwiches and take them back to their dorm room.When they were back at their dorm room they all got pop from the small fridge they have in their small kitchen and went to their beds/desks to eat their sandwiches and drink their pop. They didn't have any more assignments at the moment but they would probably get a couple on Tuesday. After eating their lunches they decided to go to the gym Aro thought because it was in the danger part of the city she would bring her hunting knife just incase, but as they were walking to the gym Aro had another strange thing happened in her mind. She heard a distant whisper and asked her friends if they had heard it as well. No I didn't hear anything weird Del spoke. Oh well then maybe it is just another occurring with metomi's siblings Aro thought to herself. Mm maybe I just heard something then, Aro spoke to Del and Ana. Are you sure Aro? Ana spoke. No I'm not but I'm sure it will get better. I wonder why that one guy was so grumpy , I mean doesn't everyone have a reason for what they do Aro thought.

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