Chapter 2 Meeting Eloni

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Eloni was wondering around the void on her way to the garden of peace and joy which is where she spends most of her time. At the same time in our dimension Aro was walking around at PeaceMaker Park which if you were to compare both dimensions they would be in the same exact spot. Aro due to her talk with Metomi is more aware of the power and feelings from the other dimensions. Then she felt a weird but very warm feeling she knew she might be in the same spot one of the people from the light dimensions could be in. Eloni figured that this was Aro, a human girl that her eldest brother Metomi talked so greatly about.” Oh she’ll bring peace to all dimensions” etc. Dontibo just said she was very crabby and rude but maybe he was just saying that because of how he was acting towards her.
Eloni then opened a threshold portal and walked through as she did so her forms changed to a more humane look. Aro had then just felt an odd shift in the air, she turned around to see a shift in the light nearly 4 ½ feet off the ground going up to 8 ¾ feet off of the ground. It then happened that a young woman who looked about twenty three years popped out and she had long flowing white hair and she looked like a human Eloni according to the book that Metomi gave her after her visit to the void three nights ago on Sunday. But that is another about the past. Eloni came towards her and said, Hello Aro, It's nice to finally meet the one my brother talks so highly about. It's nice to meet you as well Eloni? Aro spoke. Yes but it is pronounced E- Lawn- e  not e- loan-e Eloni spoke to Aro. Oh ok sorry about that Aro spoke to Eloni. Eloni then went closer to Aro and walked down the path of the park with her and sat down at a grassy spot. I would like to talk to you about some things my brother brought up spoke Eloni. Um ok then spoke Aro.
 I wish to read part of your mind if you do not want me to. That is ok, spoke Eloni. Um can you skip the stuff from my childhood Aro spoke uneasily. I’m sorry but that is the part I have to check If you want we can wait until later when you are more comfortable around us but I can assure you that I am the most friendly out of my siblings Eloni spoke. Um ok {she seems really nice but then again one can never be too sure} Um I just don’t really want you to cause I don’t fully trust you and I’ve been abused by my parents Aro mumbled. {Oh it makes sense that she was uneasy} Eloni thought. I am very sorry you were abused Aro . That is a terrible thing to go through, especially from parental figures. Yeah I know it really is hard to deal with. Aro spoke lightly. 
Anyways, do you know that you are the chosen medium to save all realms? Eloni spoke. Yeah I know I am chosen but what is a medium? Aro spoke.  A medium can see things in our realms while others who are not mediums can not see those things and also you are an old soul which makes you more aware of these things Eloni spoke. Oh ok that makes sense Aro spoke. Wait is my friend jess a medium because she always talks about seeing things that only exist in the thresholds to the other dimensions? Aro spoke. Hmm I do not know I shall observe and also ask my brother Metomi he would probably know better than I would. Eloni spoke. Ok thanks what else did you want to talk to me about? Aro spoke. I wanted to remind you  and go more into detail of the dangers to come and if you friend jess is a medium they can help you find out exactly when it will all happen. Also teach you the ways of your power and how to be a very powerful medium Eloni spoke. I can talk to jess later tomorrow and ask her those questions also have you and metomi talked to jess before about this? Aro spoke. I have not yet but I believe my brother has if not he is planning on doing so. Eloni spoke. Ok so how much power do iI have or will I find it out as I go? Aro spoke. You are a very wise young one. I do not know how much power you have my brother might know but otherwise as you use more power and learn how to use more of it but also control your power you will eventually know how powerful you are. Eloni spoke. Yeah that is kinda what I figured. Aro spoke. I have to go back to my gardens in the void if you ever need help just call me through your mindscapes Eloni spoke. Ok besides i should probably go back to my dorm room Aro spoke.
[Eloni went through the same portal looking thing from before and aro walked back towards the dorms.]  Later Aro had already studied she decided to go back to the library to get more books to read since she had read through most of her other books from the last time she went to the library. She returned three of the four books she checked out last time and she checked out a movie, four new books and two magazines. Aro also decided to denote some supplies to the library so she put five bucks in the denotation box that she had left over from working. It was Ms. Quill who checked her stuff out today. Aro knows Ms. Quill rather well because she checks her out ninety percent of the time she was there. After going to the library and checking out more stuff she went over to the clothing shop and bought a new hoodie since one of hers was getting small and worn out. She bought the galaxy hoodie for fifteen bucks but it was cute and worth it. After doing all this she went back to the dorms just as del came from the gym and ana came from the coffee shop. They all decided to study for their german class and if they had time before dinner they were also going to study for their Japanese class. So aro shall we go eat dinner? Del spoke.  Ja, wir soll Aro spoke. {translation yes, we shall} Wohin willst du gehen? Del spoke. { translation where do you want to go?} Ana where do you want to go since you haven’t chosen for a long time. Aro spoke. Um how about that pizza place down the street from Jess’s house and we could invite her if she’s available. Ana spoke. Oh well, we could go there but Jess isn’t in town right now. Aro spoke. Ok to bad she can’t come with us. Del spoke. {After they got to the pizza place} What do y’all want to order? Aro spoke. CHEESE PIZZA both Del and Ana shouted. Jeez ok. Aro spoke. Aro then bought three cheese pizzas.
 [After they got the pizzas they decided to eat there and go out for ice cream depending on how much time they have left. After they ate their pizza they had enough time to go out for ice cream. After that they went back to study for their classes.] [They have one Japanese and German class , three different art classes , a business class and they also take two different E.M.T / Paramedic classes, one math and english class.  When they were done studying their language classes and english and business classes they decided to study for their first art class and their two Paramedic classes. For their paramedic classes they were studying the spine and upper body. They finished studying for all their classes except for math.] Ugh I really don’t want to study for our math class, complained Ana and Aro. C’mon guys the faster we get it done the sooner we don’t have to deal with the math. Del spoke.
 [ They finished studying then ate and decided to go to bed.] Aro’s dreamscape- No daddy please stop! Young Aro shouted. [Aro was whipped with a belt again for speaking by the way her dad is drunk] Young aro falls to the ground screaming and crying daddy please stop! {her dad} Shut up worthless piece of s***. I’m your master not daddy and no more crying and screaming or you won’t have a bed and  food for a month. The young aro swallowed her tears and screaming, since she didn’t want to lose her bed and food for a month. {It was about that time when she started to mask her emotions. Later on she completely lost her emotions and after she met jess she started to show her emotions again.} Get up you useless brat or dinner tonight. Aro shakingly got up ignoring all the pain of her back and arms and legs from being whipped with the belt. { her dad pulls her hair} Get up faster b**** , you are being too slow.  Young aro forced herself  up and followed her master. ] { end of dreamscape} Aro shot up in her bed with a panicked breath. Oh my god was that real? Or was that just a memory. Aro whispered to herself.  (She got off her bed hugging herself and she checked the time) 
Oh it's only 2 A.M Aro whispered. She decided to try and sleep but only went back to the nightmare/ memory, so she got up and wrote a message for del and ana she was going to go to jess’s house.{ jess is back in town btw) Once she had everything and was out on the street she called jess.  Hey um jess? Urr I just got woken up what do you wan.. Oh aro! What’s wrong? {Aro hugs herself slightly and says} I had that nightmare/memory again.. May I come over? Oh of course just lemme get up and out of bed first. You know you are welcome over here whenever you have those nightmares. Oh ok I’ll be over in about three minutes.  (Aro then hung up){time skip cause i’m lazy} So do you want to talk about it? Jess spoke. Yeah the first part was about when my dad first whipped me and I woke up before I could get to the first time I was bullied. Aro spoke. Oh wow, have you had any triggers in day to day life that could have caused it? Jess spoke. Um well in art class we were talking about doing art for our parents… I guess that kinda triggered it Aro spoke. Oh I'm sorry cause your father is abusive and your mother is dead.. If you want you could do art for me. Jess said. Ok! I mean when I first met you I saw you as a caring mother but now more as a caring older sister. Aro said. Well you could ask them if you could do art for your older sister If they ask just ask them to text me and I will explain it all if you wish. Jess spoke.  Thank you jess, I will do that. Aro said. *Aro then walked home to the dorm and went to try and get a little more sleep before they all had to be up for the day.* [When aro got back it was 4:30 so she decided to try and get some sleep and wake up in an hour.] 

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