Thomas Jefferson - Uncle Alex

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I've accepted all my one shots are just trash :)) enjoy

You eyed yourself in the mirror. Man, you've been crying for awhile. First it was of pure joy. Then shock. Then sadness. Fuck being a mom.

Yeah, you were pregnant. Your eyes caught the box and out of pure curiosity you were pregnant. And you obviously knew who was the damn father.

Your boyfriend, Thomas Jefferson. You and him have dated for about a year. And the worst part? You've kept it a secret from your baby brother, Alexander Hamilton.

Yeah. Your boyfriend and brother were sworn enemies. Which put you in the middle for most arguments. The worst part was that you haven't told Alexander yet.

You and your brother have a steady relationship, and you already knew this would most likely break it. That was what was so depressing.

"Babe? I'm home." You heard the call of Thomas coming home from work, and felt relief but anxiety trail up your spine. Walking out into the living room you caught him.

"Hey." His warm eyes landed on you, immediately concerned most likely by your puffy red eyes. His tall figure rushed over as his hands cupped your cheeks.

"What happened? Who hurt you? Are you sick? Who's ass do I half to kick?" You felt a small smile creep on your face as you leaned up, kissing his lips ever so softly.

"We need to talk baby."

Sitting him down on the couch, you watched how he got that one stress mark in his forehead that he always seemed to have at work. You grasped his hand, your thumb running across it as you struggled to speak.

"You know you can always talk to me, I'm your boyfriend after all." Thomas gave you a encouraging smile as you nodded.

"I just know we haven't talked about this and it's happening and I'm worried about what my brother will think and-"

"Are you pregnant?" Thomas cut you off as you stared wide eyed at him. A short silence went before Thomas gave a white teethed smile. "Darling why would I be mad? I love you unconditionally and having a mini us isn't gonna change that."

You felt tears cloud your eyes as you quickly hugged Thomas tightly, feeling his warm arms wrap around your frame.

"I wonder if it will be a boy or a beautiful girl." Pulling away you saw Thomas's hand gently run against your belly, a sort of wonder in his eyes that made your heart swoon.

"Unfortunately, as happy as I am, we have another problem." You saw a tiny frown appear on his face as he looked to you.

"Hamilton. This should be fun." The sarcastic remark made you less tense as you tried to think of what you would even say to your brother.

"Well you both need to stop your fighting. It's not healthy for the baby for her father and uncle to be constantly fighting." You hummed as Thomas nodded, a goofy smile on his face.

"I'm a dad. Sorry, it's hard to get over." You smiled, kissing his lips in a sweet kiss as you moved closer. "I don't blame you."


You both decided to invite Alexander to your apartment (which you should probably move out of soon) for lunch. You stayed awake most of the night, fear creeping in your mind at what could happen.

The day came as your fingers anxiously tapped against the counter, Thomas standing by you and whispering soft and loving words that put your mind at least a little at least.

The knock at your door kept you frozen in place before you spoke, "Come in."

Seeing Alexander's face drop was a ugly feeling in your chest as he nearly closed the door before you called out.

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