Chapter 01

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Aakash and Ray plans to go on an outing for the summer vacation and they both leave for the hills of Shivamrut with their jeeps. Those people are close to the hills of Shivamrut when Ray feels thirsty and he drives the jeep downstream to drink water from the river flowing below the roadside. Aakash is waiting on his jeep. As soon as Ray comes near the river, he puts the bottle in the river and is drinking water from the bottle, only then a strange thing comes out of that river and takes Ray with him inside the river.

Ray shouts and Aakash comes down on hearing his scream and he sees that Ray is nowhere to be seen. Aakash stands a little away from the river, so the thing is waiting for Aakash to come near the river, but then Aakash's eyes go to the shape which moving in that water and Aakash says looking at that shape, "who are you and where is my friend Ray" then that shape comes out of the river a little, Aakash is shocked to see that it is a mermaid. That mermaid told to Aakash that "if he wants his friend's safety, then return her younger sister". Aakash does not understand anything and he says "I do not understand what you are saying". So she says that "last night my little sister Ramya was here at this place, but some people like you kidnapped my sister and drove her away from her family". So Aakash tells that he has come here for the first time and he has also seen Mermaid for the first time, then that Mermaid speaks to Aakash that "I do not know all that, only I know that you humans have kidnapped my sister and if you want the safety of your friend, then you will return my sister to me".

Aakash says "okay, I will help you in finding your younger sister, but do not harm my friend". Mermaid speaks that "we mermaids have only a few hours left to return to our world, if before that time, if I and my sister do not return, both of them will remain forever in this river and this world, that's why you have to find my sister soon and your friend is our guest in our world till I find my sister". After that mermaid takes the form of a human and comes out of the river. Aakash does not believe his eyes and then both Mermaid and Aakash sit in that jeep and leave for the hills of Shivamrut. Shivamrut is a tourist destination which is a small hill town and is surrounded by mountains from all sides. They are on the way for Shivamrut town so Aakash asked that mermaid "What's your name by the way?", Mermaid replied "I am Ganga".

After that in an hour they both Aakash and Ganga arrive in the town and start searching for Ramya in the town then Aakash sees the wall of a house in that town where a poster is affixed. The poster is of Sherkhan Circus, in which it is written that "Visit Sherkhan Circus and See the Glimpse of Mermaid". On seeing this, Aakash understands everything and he speaks with Ganga that "he might know where your sister is". And then both go to the Sherkhan Circus and purchase the ticket from the ticket counter to go inside the tent.

They come in and sit in the crowd of the people. Sherkhan comes on stage in Joker's costume and calls his female artists wearing mermaids costume. In the stage, many mermaids are dancing in a large pool, but all the other mermaids are human, only Ramya, who is a real mermaid, is performing tricks in water. Aakash and the Ganga recognize her. And after the show is over, Aakash and the Ganga secretly go to the part of the circus tent where Ramya is kept. As soon as Aakash comes near to Ramya and he trying to get out of the Ramya from the cage. But suddenly Sherkhan and the rest of his goons arrive. Sherkhan tells Aakash to leave from there, but Aakash says he will not go anywhere without this mermaid. Now both of those mermaids have very little time left go home, so the magic of the Ganga also ends and she too becomes mermaid back from the human and becomes unconscious. Sherkhan says "oh kid, you have brought me another gift" and tells his goons to kill Aakash. The goons are moving towards Aakash and all attack Aakash but Aakash is also a master of taekwondo and he defeats all the goons of Sherkhan with the techniques of his taekwondo and in the end only Sherkhan survives and he has a gun. He pulls out that gun and point his gun on Aakash and says, "Kid, I am giving you one last chance. If you want to save your life then run away from here". But Aakash stands with both his hands up and Sherkhan is walking towards him with a gun point on him that only then Ray arrives because after Ganga got unconscious so her spell is also over from Ray and he is freed from Ganga's captivity.

Ray kicked Sherkhan from behind, causing Sherkhan to fall away and Aakash seizes him and picks up his gun and tells Sherkhan that "let me take those mermaids from here otherwise I will shoot you". Sherkhan agrees and Ray brings the jeep and puts both mermaids in the jeep and asks Aakash to go from here. Aakash also sits in the jeep and Ray starts the jeep only when Sherkhan takes out another gun in his legs and shoots Aakash.
Aakash escapes by touching a bullet in his left hand, and those people run away from there. Then in the end Aakash and Ray take both of those mermaids towards the bank of the same river and put those mermaids in the river water, as soon as the water comes on the mermaids, they regain consciousness and Ganga tells to Aakash to come inside in the river. Aakash descends into the river, then Ganga sees a bullet injury in Aakash's hand, she hugs Aakash and starts crying. A tear from the Ganga falls on that injury and Aakash's injury is cured and she said thanks to Aakash and Ray and they both mermaids return in to their world. After that both Aakash and Ray return from that place to their home. Ray drives the jeep and Aakash is thinking about Ganga, and he smiles remembering the hug done by Ganga, and he prays to God to meet with Ganga again, to tell her about what he feels for Ganga. To tell her that he has fallen in love with Ganga.

To be continued....

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