13 1 1

I groan in annoyance once the my alarm goes off for the third time, although this time I won't press snooze so I decided to wake up either way.

Today I had a photo shoot with one of the magazine companies. They wanted me to be on their cover so I took the opportunity since I had nothing else to do.

Just as I was about to leave the house, I was pulled back with a hand gripping my waist protectively. "Where are you going?" His morning voice whispered in my ear.

I wanted to move out of his grip but he was way stronger than me and there's no way he's letting me go until I answer. That's what I've grown to learn this past month of us living together.

It's been a week since the restaurant incident and I have been avoiding him as much as possible. He tried to speak to me many times, but I would always leave and lock myself in my room. It was only a matter of time till he would break this silence, but I just hoped it wouldn't be too soon. I was still processing everything.. from him being in a mob, to hiding myself from people, to realizing my life can never go back to the way it was before. It was too much to handle at once and I needed space.

He turns me around to face him, but I just cock my head towards the wall ignoring his intense stare. "You can't keep doing this. You've been ignoring me all week and locking yourself up in your room. If something is bothering you, tell me." He says softly as I my tears fail to hold themselves in. Damn it!

Next thing I knew his large hands pulled me into a hug and he let out a sigh. Something I wasn't used to, and definitely something I didn't expect from him. The big bad wolf has a heart after all. "Listen.. I know that this month has been really rough and you've experienced things you haven't before. But I promise you Natalie I will always protect you. It will be ok." He kissed the top of my head gently.

Ok, maybe I might be hallucinating. "Who are you, and what have you done to Leo?" I chuckled wiping the damn tears from my cheeks.

"Leo's off on a vacation now, he's letting me be in charge. Feel free to joke around with me." He winked and laughed softly. That sound was so pure coming out of him. I wish I get to see this side of him more often.

Just when I was about to respond, my phone rang and I took it out to see who the caller was.
"Hey Adam." I smiled playfully though he can't see me. Adam is a guy I met next door last week, he's a nice guy who I seemed to become friends with really quick.

"Hey cutie." He replied.

I turned to see Leo's fists were balled and his breathing was heavy. He looked.. angry?

"What's up?" I turned away hoping to ignore whatever reaction he was pulling off.

"Are you by any chance free today?"

"Uhh, I actually have a photo shoot today. I'll be done at five. Why?"

"Oh, cool. I was wondering maybe you would like to come watch the Joker movie with me today?" His voice was nervous.

"Really? Sure! I've been dying to see it. What time?"

"Umm, is seven alright?"

Just when I was about to reply I heard glass shatter from behind me. The glass Leo was drinking from broke in his hand and it was bleeding while the glass covered the wooden floors. I gasped.

"What was that?" Adam asked worriedly.

"Adam I'll call you back later." I quickly shut the phone and ran to Leo.

"Leo what is wrong with you?! Why would you do that?!" I shouted at him examining his hand. He just remained quiet with the same angry expression across his face.

I ran to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit and went back to the kitchen where Leo currently is. The glass was still shattered on the floor so I tried to tip toe across it towards him.

"Stop." He gestured. He turned around towards the kitchen island and picked me up. His hands were so big they literally covered half of my waist. He then placed me on the counter with him between my legs.

His expression was much softer now so I took that as an opportunity to do what I have to do quickly. I took his hand and wiped it with a cotton ball. I then applied a bit alcohol to clean after. He didn't even flinch once as he kept his eyes on me never looking away. Normally, I wouldn't like when people stared at me for a long time but with Leo it's.. different. It's not a perverted stare.

One I was done, I bandaged his hand carefully and put everything back in the box. Just as I was about to go towards the trash can to throw out the bloody cotton balls he caged me onto the counter with his arms on each side.

"Who is he?" He finally spoke. His voice was deadly, the same tone he used with the guy in the restaurant the other day. And I'll admit it scared me a bit.

"You mean Adam?"

That seemed to piss him off as I saw his eyebrows furrow with a furious face. He stayed quiet waiting for me to finish.

"H-he's the g-guy next door. Our neighbor. We became friends last week and-"

His hands went to my thighs as he gripped them tightly, but not too tight to where it hurts.

"What did I say about talking to strangers?Especially men." His jaw clenched.

"But he's friendly, I don't think-"

"It doesn't matter what you think Natalie. Guys will always be guys, there's no such thing as friendship between a guy and a girl. It always leads to something more!" He yelled, letting his anger out.

I closed my eyes and flinched at his tone. Just when I thought he was going to be friendly.

"Why do you care? So what if we became 'something more'?" I used air quotes.

That seemed to trigger him even more as he punched the wall behind me breathing heavily.

"Leo stop! You're gonna hurt your hand even more!" I grabbed his arm pulling it away from the wall.

He grabbed my chin forcefully to look up at him. His eyes held so much that I was afraid he might hurt me.

"Don't you dare say that again. You're mine Natalie! And I will kill any motherfucker that tries to take you away from me!"


"What?" I look up to meet his dark brown eyes. He inhaled and exhaled deeply before nodding.

"Look Natalie, I know there's a lot going on with you right now and your life is a mess. But the least you can do is trust me.. please." He places both hands on my cheeks.

I nod and leave the kitchen quietly. What does he mean 'I'm his'? There's literally nothing going on between us.. we're not even friends for crying out loud! How can he-

"Don't leave yet. I'll get dressed and come with you. Safety reasons..." that's when I noticed he was still in his grey sweatpants. I nod again and wait by the door as I text Adam to tell him I'd have to cancel the movie. And when we get back home me and Leo are gonna have a long talk.

💬Sorry for the late chapter.. Enjoy!

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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