Chapter 1:

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Dr. Henry told me I should write everything. He said it would help with the pain. I hope he's write. It's been 2 weeks and 3 days and I can't stop thinking about him. It hurts so much. Well here goes nothing,


I was driving home from school when I heard it. I have been waiting forever to hear this song on the radio and here it was. I turned it up and sang along.

I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted

I thought about our last kiss how it felt they way you tasted-

After the song finished the radio host spoke.

"That was 5 seconds of summer with Amnesia and I bet there is a couple hundred girls listening to this right now. I'm about to announce a contest yall are gonna love. In an hour I'm gonna play this song again and when it ends you're gonna call 555-275-7491. The 22 caller is gonna win a trip to L.A. But wait there's more, you'll get to spend a whole day with the 5sauce members! Remember to call 555-275-7491 after amnesia is played again!"

I had to win! That would be the perfect chance to tell them. But what are my chances of winning? 22 is my lucky number but that doesn't mean I'll win. It doesn't hurt to try tho. I can just have Anna and Lynn call too, up my chances a bit.

I can't keep still. It's been exactly 58 minutes and the number is already dialed in. Anna and Lynn are gonna call too to help.

1 more minute!

I heard the beginning of Amnesia and silently freaked out. After this song I may be able to meet my heroes.

Tell me this is just a dream..

Cause I'm really not fine at all

I quickly hit the green phone button and the number started to dial.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

I slowly lost hope.

Four rings.

Someone picked up!

I turned the radio up to hear an echo of the person on the other end of my phone.

"Congratulations lucky caller number 22! What is your name?"

I won! I can't believe I won!


"Well Jasper you just won your self a trip to L.A and a day with the boys of 5sos."

"Thank you!"

I cried out. The tears started flowing down my cheeks.

"No problem"

The call ended. I can't believe I just won a trip across the U.S! Even better I get to spend the day with 5sos!

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