Chapter 4:

10 0 0

I opened my eyes and I had no idea where I was. I must've fallen asleep. I started to panic but I heard familiar voices. I sat up and saw the boys still playing FIFA. I checked my phone, it's been at least 2 hours since I slept.

"Guys Jasper's awake. Ashton entertain her you're losing anyways." Luke at least noticed me.

"No Luke I'm gonna kick your ass. Michael entertain her."

"Guys guess what I'm right here."

"Idiots" Calum muttered under his breathe.

The boys kept playing so I decided to unplug the system, just for fun and I'm mean.

I walked over to the t.v as casually as I could. I bent down and unplugged it. I heard a chorus of 'heys!'

"Let's play hide and seek or something."

"That's actually not a bad idea. Jasper you're smart."

"Thanks Ashton but you say that like I don't already know this."

"You almost have a bigger ego than Luke"

Luke walked off after I unplugged the system but if he heard that I'm pretty sure Ashton would be tackled by now.

"What a great accomplishment. Ok teams?"

"Well you can pick team cake or team mashton. So you can decide to win, team mashton. Or to loose, team cake."

"No matter what team I pick, they will win. I'm gonna pick team cake because I can't let Ashton beat my high ego record"

"That's a thing?"

Michael asked

"It is now. Cake hides first. lets go!"

I grabbed Calum and ran off to the direction Luke went to.

Luke was sitting on his bed playing on his phone.

"Come on lazy bones we need to hide!"

"I'm not hiding with you guys you're gonna get me found!" Calum ran away to hide

"Guess it's just us do you have any ideas?"

"Yea over here"

Luke walked over to his closet.

"Seriously that is like the most obvious place."

"It is but they don't know this is a huge closet. I put a rack here cause I didn't need all the space"

"Oh that's smart"

Luke moved the rack just enough for us to squeeze through. His closet went back like another 5 feet! He moved the rack back so they couldn't see us. I put the flashlight on my phone and and put my phone on the floor.

"This is really cool."

"I call it my batman liar."

"of course"

I giggled

"Shh I hear them coming up the stairs"

I covered my mouth with my hand. I heard them walk into Luke's room. I shut my flashlight off.

"I know your in here lukey!" Michael said. I almost giggled but I stopped myself.

"Jasper just because your name rhymes with Casper doesn't mean your a ghost!"

Ashton makes no sense sometimes.

"Ash their not in here."

"I guess so"

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