Chapter 2:

8 0 0

remember sitting in the airport after my flight. It was so humid in L.A. I was told there would be a ride ready for me so I stood put by the baggage claim.


"Yea that's me."

"I'm your ride"

"Ok thank you"

The man dressed in a tux took my suitcase and rolled it outside to a limo as I followed. I knew this was gonna be the best week I've ever had!

Shortly later we pulled up to a big fancy looking hotel. I got my suitcase and walked inside. I was breathless. The lobby itself was gorgeous. I don't even think that explains it enough.

I checked in and headed up to my room. I was on the 22nd floor. Again with that number. I walked up to my room, put the key in and was awed. I thought the lobby was gorgeous, this room is 10 times better!

I walked around taking it all in. On the coffee table was a note,


There will be a car ready to take you to the boys place tomorrow. It should be there at 9 so be ready!"

I still can't believe I'm meeting them! It's like a dream. I set an alarm for 8 on my phone and went to bed. It was only 8 but I wanted tomorrow to come quicker.

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