Recovery pt 2

584 9 2

Emilys POV

I wake up to Alison screaming at me nd i didnt know what to say.

AL: "Emily Motherfucking Fields you have 5 seconds to explain why you have 2 dark ass hickeys on your neck."

EF: "Ali what are you talking about?"

AL: "Since your going to act stupid why dont you go to the bathroom & look for yourself."

i walked into the bathroom & looked into the mirror and i had 2 dark ass hickies on my neck.

EF: babe i can explain.

truth is i really couldnt explain. If i just told her that the cheerleaders ambushed me out of no where & pinned me down to the point where i couldnt get up she wouldnt believe me for anything. 

AL: oh you better fucking explain before i cut that dick off of yours.

EF: ok anything but that.

AL: Emily not the time. now. Explain.

EF: Ok so look when you left me hanging with nothing else to do-.


EF: will you shut up & fucking listen. The cheerleaders walked in , my pants were still down & they held me down & went a little crazy. I tried my hardest pushing them off but there were so many & it was hard. Then i finally got them off and walked away but then they pinned me against the wall and started going again & then Hannah walked in & punched the head cheerleader , grabbed me & here we are now.

AL: so your telling me if i call hannah right now , everything your telling me she will say is true?

EF: yes.

AL: *calls Hannah* Hey han , so is it true that *tells the story all over again* , & that you punched the head cheerleader in the face?

HN: *otp wit alison* Yes all of that is true Ali.

AL: oh ok, thanks Han. love you ttyl.

EF: so i told you that all of that was true.

AL: i guess your right , but you better pray that the head cheerleader still has a head tmr.

EF: lets get you back to bed.

Hey guys , sorry i havent uploaded in awhileee but i promise longer stories to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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