How he became one among the stars.(Yoonmin)

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Author note:
Trigger warnings:
*Major character death

"Yoongi-ssi. Don't forget your meeting tomorrow." His personal assistant reminded him. "And Yoongi, our company seriously needs an overseas tie-up. Just imagine being the world's leading car manufacturers. What do you think, hyung?" Namjoon, the co-founder of Unicorn, South Korea's leading car company exclaimed energetically. How he was this hyper after a long meeting that day, was the biggest doubt Yoongi had. "We will think about it Namjoon-ah." Yoongi said as he loosened his tie that was practically chocking him right now.

He unbuttoned his collar button. "Sir, you are supposed to attend a interview with a Kid's magazine." His P.A reminded him. "Kid's magazine? Why?" He asked back frowning. "Sir, you signed up for that interview, telling you wanted to inspire many kids around the world, remember?" She explained slowly. "Ahhhh. That was Namjoon's idea and not mine." He said frustrated. He just wants to be left alone after the boring 2 hours meet of how they can improve their company.

Unicorn motors, as it was called; was already the leading company in South Korea. Yoongi and Namjoon laid the foundation 5 years back. Thanks to some of their friends, they were able to get their dream to where it is now.

Unicorn was everything for the duo. They spent their blood, sweat and tears; just so they can achieve the topmost ranking. And yes, it did achieve everything they planned. Sports cars that caught the attention, test driving every one of them, launching new technologies, they did everything.

They were the youngest owners. Suits, sunglasses, exotic wines, extravagant bungalows, they were living everyone's dreams.

But the fame didn't just bring happiness. It brought pain. And the pain it brought was unbearable. Even though the company has two successful people as it's founders, Yoongi is the oldest and feels like the one most responsible to everything that happens . Yoongi is more of an older brother to Namjoon, a boy who dreams and whose dreams have no boundaries. Yoongi just wanted to be a responsible person and let Namjoon enjoy the freedom of doing whatever he wanted.

But as time went on, Yoongi just got tired. The popularity and the money stopped bringing him the happiness like they did before. All they brought were immeasurable pain in somewhere no one could reach. The pain just grew as his company grew. Yoongi found it hard to keep up with both, a growing company and a growing pain.

At a point of life, Yoongi became so overwhelmed of all his emotions. The happiness, the sadness, the pain everything was so extreme that it was very difficult to keep up. Namjoon was still a young boy in Yoongi's eyes. He never wanted to indulge Namjoon in his bipolaric days.

There were days when Yoongi couldn't take it anymore. He just yelled hysterically at someone. And it was mostly his Personal assistants. There was always a vacancy at that position. No one lasted more than a month. Namjoon slowly came to know about everything that is happening behind his back. The poor boy tried so hard and brought his older brother to counselling.

It didn't end there. Yoongi was administered some antidepressants to keep his mind at a slower pace and that helped him calm down most of the time. What no one knew was that, Yoongi was a thinker and blocking his brain just brought some extra damage. He felt weak knowing that his position is just reduced to someone who is restrained from thinking and feeling.

Namjoon was a little boy in Yoongi's eyes. Poor Namjoon. He did everything he thought that Yoongi might need. He was right in what he did. If only he could feel what his brother feels....

What Yoongi feels? Yoongi feels weak. He feels like he is being watched every moment. Like he couldn't control everything that is associated with him, like his emotions, his fears.... His fears... God he seriously need something to get those out of his head.

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