The Vampire dentist

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Namjoon, a Professor visits the dentist. It was late in the night, Jin was the only dentist available and Legends say Jin is a vampire. 

It was an ordinary day in Namjoon's life. He woke before his alarm, the water was warm without heater, his hair moulded beautifully, he felt confident in his clothes and so much more. Everything was pleasant. Until he drank a cold cup of water and felt a sharp pain in his lower jaw. Namjoon was scared.

Namjoon maintained his health like it was the only thing he owned. He is still single, sad, yeah. But he thinks it is for the best. His entire salary goes into savings and his regular health checkups. But he has never visited a dentist. Not even once in his lifetime. Or maybe he doesn't remember visiting one. Like the rest of the population, Namjoon didn't feel the need to see one, even though his colleague Taehyung narrated his experiences.

Namjoon was scared for his dear tooth. He keep testing himself in-between every breaks he get. Drinking water.

First break, normal water. Little to no pain. He was happy.

Second break, cold water. It was painful, a tiny bit, but Namjoon was scared.

Third break, Food. It was painful, a sharp sting every time he chews. 

Fourth break, water. Little to no pain. He decided to go see a dentist.

But the Universe hated Namjoon. He had special classes to teach that day. A few of his favorite students asked him for an extra session, a discussion and he couldn't say a 'No'. He sat for a few hours, chatting away. When it was finally time to leave, Taehyung informed that there is a meeting going on and Namjoon hated everyone and everything.

He sat in the boring meeting hall for about 2 hours. 2 hours, seriously! He must've did a very huge sin in his previous life. Right when he was allowed to leave, it was 8. His apartment was 35 minutes away from the University. His family pushed him to live in a posh lifestyle as he was getting older and certainly because he was one of the leading professors of The University of Seoul.  A better looking apartment meant somewhere away from the University. Atleast 35 minutes away.

All the way back, in the electric train, Yes, he takes the train since he hasn't got a license yet; Namjoon was arguing with himself. If he should go see the dentist today or tomorrow. His anxious self was telling him to postpone and his other anxious half was scared if it would grow overnight, which is not gonna happen, but Namjoon doesn't know. He had a conflict in his head for the entire 30 minutes. He decided to let the dentist decide it. If the dental clinic opposite to his stop is open, he is getting in. He made up his mind finally.

He reached his stop and hoped the clinic was closed. He prayed to his ancestors, trying not to catch a glimpse of any opened clinic signs. He pressed his eyelids together for a second and opened them to see the huge display board, 'SeokJin's Dental Care' with light on. Why did the dentist stay late? He was concerned about the dentist all of a sudden. He wanted to cry, but no, Namjoon is a man of words, even if it said to himself. 

The dentist's name sounded familiar. SeokJin.... Jin... YES! How could he forget? He heard from so many people that a dentist with the name Jin existed and he never ages and that he is so pale and handsome....that he might be a..... Vampire! There are still patients he regularly treats But they are said to be vampires too. Taehyung said so too! Namjoon isn't a vampire. He really isn't one. He is actually scared of meeting one. His brain was suddenly pin pointing everything that could go wrong if he didn't go see the dentist right now. With a heavy heart Namjoon walked towards the lit board.

He  entered the reception of the clinic and it was dark. 'Vampires prefer it dark' his mind was spitting facts. Namjoon internally scolded himself. A lady walked out of another door and went, "Oh!" He bowed politely and she bowed back. She turned on the light, a not very bright one. She was pale too. 'It is run by vampires....' he thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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