The Perfect Strangers. (TaeKook)

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A warm cafe.

Jungkook never thought that would change something about him and his boring life. He wondered at times where he would be right now if not for that one cafe. Thinking back, he doesn't remember most of his life before the cafe.

Winters. The perfect reason to get cozied up. The more layers we add, the more secure we feel; was always Jungkook's opinion. Poor Jungkookie, staying away from family and having to do a ton load of work in college was driving him crazy.

His relaxation was the cafe. The cafe that was barely affordable, but assured seclusion from people. And he preferred it. He usually layers up clothing and prefers a certain spot near to the cafe's all-glass wall. A perfect view of both the world inside and outside. Glasses perched up on his nose and his eyes sometimes roaming away from the book in his hand. This was his routine.

That day was a boring cold winter evening and Jungkook was seated in his favorite seat without a book, with the cheapest coffee order. His eyes scanned the entire cafe, alert of eye contacts. He isn't in the mood for an eye contact right now.

The customers are usually the same people. You would spot new ones very rarely. And so, when Taehyung entered the cafe for the first time, Jungkook could tell he was someone new.

Looking at him, Jungkook was reminded of a flower. A flower boy. He was the kind of boy who would wear a crown of flowers, pastel sweatshirt with a godly smile. Unlike him. Cause all Jungkook preferred were black and grey tshirts, sweatshirts with heavy boots.

The boy entered the cafe with a small group of people, God knows who. They didn't look too close but he was flashing his best smile, a boxy grin to be precise.

Taehyung was born and brought up in a small town. He received the basic education there like all other kids. The thing that made Taehyung different from others was that he was a risk taker. He was bold enough to break the norms in his town, he left the town to pursue his dreams.

Now, Taehyung got accepted into a small budding company. Nothing big. But atleast he is doing something different from others in his town. The first day of work brought so many new faces. They decided to catch up in a cafe which he was sure, he couldn't afford.

The door opened and Taehyung got a whiff of coffee smell lingering in the cafe. "This is the cheapest cafe in this place, Taehyung. A good hangout place." His colleague spoke, whose name Taehyung forgot in 30 seconds after he had said it. Cheap? Wow. Taehyung just gave him a smile.

They took a spot in the middle of the cafe, chatting over coffee. It was indeed a quiet place. A very quiet one.

Jungkook shrugged internally and left the cafe. His boring lifestyle started again. He worked on his assignments, mailed them, slept peacefully. Woke up the next morning, showered, got to class, dissociated throughout the lectures, left the campus, entered the cafe. Phew. His safe heaven.

To his surprise, he saw the same guy today with the same gang. Jungkook mentally shrugged and carried on with his book.

"Tae. I can call you Tae right?" The guy at the counter asked. It was weird seeing someone shorten your name the moment they see you. But Taehyung loved it. "Yes." Tae replied smiling.

"I'm Jimin by the way." He introduced.

"Nice to meet you." Tae replied.

"Oh, don't be scared, we usually get regular customers and so, it is kinda like a policy.... I guess... trying to know people?" Jimin said, more like recited.

"Ahhhh... I get it." Tae smiled.

He studied Jimin for a second. The barista was shorter than him, with an eye smile. Jimin looked very pleasant. 

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