Introductions To The Residents

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Me and my sister stayed in a four person bedroom on the 5th floor, it was dirty and dusty. One of the patients had looked quite healthy but often muttered to himself about how "it isn't right" and "how do they still live?" I looked to my sister as she was soon called to move to the surgery ward on floor 63, soon was the other person as they were only 16. I met with the other resident who was a gothic teen girl with long, dark brown hair. We spoke about how the hospital was underdeveloped In floor 59 and below. I often said how I worry about my sister, the gothic woman replied with "I don't trust this hospital and you shouldn't either, I heard rumors of amalgamations called 'the aqueducts' they lived on the barely lit parking lots of floor 60 and beyond. Knowing me, my paranoia got the better of me as I then said "I can't let them get to her, even if they are just rumors!" A mortician who often let on that he was listening in. He had black short hair and wore a black suit as he said "I wouldn't get in the affairs of the surgical directors, it might end up killing you, but who am I to tell you what debts to free and which to not?" I got a pit in my stomach as I heard him say that but I had to do something. I then asked for the gothic woman to go along with me and she agreed saying she wanted to explore more of the hospital. It was now 8:47.

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