Chapter 9.

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Six years and some months ago.

  I wore my gloves as I entered my English class and sat at the far end. James sat beside me then Mia.

"I am so excited, winter break was so amazing!!" Mia said.

"Yeah it would have been If you didn't throw snow at me  and kept me locked out in the snow!!" James whinned.

"It was still the best winter break I ever....."

"Settle down class!!" Mrs. Rutherford said as I sat up right and so did James.

"Why can't she call in sick for once?" Mia whinned.

"Shhh, this is the first day in school after weeks and you already want to dodge a class." I asked her.

"Dummy!!" James mumble.

"What did you say?" Mia asked, her voice high pitched.

"I said we have a new student who will be joining us, and I don't like that attitude!!" She said.

"Duh duh, I wasn't talking to you!!" Mia muttered.

I nudged her and she smiled knowing I heard what she said. Then I looked up to see a.......

Boy or girl?

I have a feeling he is a he because a girl has a long hair right? But what about people like Cuppy who has short hair? By the look and of the dressing though, totally a boy. He wore black jeans, white shirt whose collar is out over the sweatshirt and black hoodie. I can't even see his face.

"Why don't you introduce yourself?" Mrs. Rutherford urged him.

"Am I the only one that thinks the guy is weird?" Mia asked me.

"Yeah, I'm with you on this!!" James said then he turned to me.

"Don't talk to him Beth. Okay? Who knows? He might be dangerous." He said. I nod and he looked at Mia.

"And you if you feel like." James said. Mia rolled her eyes. Her ability to do that always makes me feel bad cause I can't do it.

"I don't want friends. And I don't like friends!! And I don't talk. I don't like talking and I don't want anyone to talk to me!! I don't like clubs. I don't want to participate in one. I won't be really visible or even show that I exist until middle school is over unless you also go to Audroun High school too!!...... Oh. And my name is Jace Hamilton!!" He said and came to the back where no body sat, behind our table.

"Okay. With those things said, let us....." We mischevious three turned and saw the mysterious guy.

"I'm Mia!!" Mia told him. He didn't answer her.

"We're not friends." James said referring to Mia. I looked down as the other two. James and Mia bicker at each other and I looked up, I felt his gaze on me and I turn and removed Mia's hands from James hair.

"Mia Shelly, come sit beside her!!" Mrs. Rutherford said referring to ........ Raini? A quiet girl that never really speak to anyone.

"Gracias James. Gracias!!" She said. She packed her things and used her book to hit James head before leaving.

"Mrs. Ruther....." I nudged James.

"My hair!!" He whinned.

"I will fix it for you." I said and he turned red. He blushed.

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