Chapter 17.

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What do you tell your boyfriend who sees you in his enemy's study, wearing another clothe and your hair, make up is in a damp? I don't know but I do know you have to start thinking of excuses. And fast. Very fast.

"Hey.... What's up Kelvin?" I said. He scanned me.

"What the hell happened here?" He asked. I have a sly smile.

"I just..... I can explain....."

".... Elizabeth, I got your make...." Jace said entering the study and stopped when he saw Kelvin. He looked at me.

"Do you guys want me to leave or........ I'll just leave!!" He said and dropped the make up kit on the table and left. I faced Kelvin.

"I can explain"

"So, you're embarrassed hnn?" He asked. I looked down.

"Who the heck still stains her top with pizza sauce?" He asked. What the..... I looked up. Wait, so.....

"Y..... Yeah!!" I said.

"I'm so embarrassed!!" I said smiling.

"Just hurry with those things. I'll grab coffee, and chocolate chip muffin!!" He said. I smiled and nod.

"Got it!!" He said and left. I sighed and seconds later, Jace came in.

"Why do you date such an oblivious guy?" He asked me.

"It's advantage is far better than the disadvantages!!" I told him. He rolled his eyes. And looked at me.

"But, when are you going to do it though?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"When are you going to tell him?" He asked me.

"Tell him about?" I asked

"Gosh Elizabeth....."

"Maybe in my next life, I'll be born with a thousand hearts and a confidence bigger than the world!!" I told him. He put his hands on his face and opened the door.

"I hate oblivious girls!!" He spat and left. Urgh!! Barbie!!


"We have to shop till we drop!!" Mia squealed. I, Ariana and Genevieve and of course Mia are going shopping today. It's actually a nice day outside and of course you know shopping's not Cinnamon's scene.

"I'm not going through extra lengths today Shelly!!" Ariana said.

"Du..duh!! One thing about shopping that I love is...."

"The clothes" Ariana said.


"The shoes!!" Genevieve tried.


"The boys!!" I said and Mia blushed.

"Look at that cute one there!"! She said. I turned to the direction and saw a guy. He's actually cute to be sincere. But.... Not that hot or anything. Not like Jace anyway. Remembering him makes me remember what happened today? What does he means that I'm oblivious? I can't be oblivious!! I'm Cupid!!

"Yah.... Try better Mia!!" Ariana spat and entered Victoria secret.

"I need new lingaries!!" Mia said and pulled me into the store.

  After what seemed like hours. We finished shopping and went Starbucks. I didn't buy much. Mia bought like the most stuffs, followed my Ariana and me. Genevieve just bought few tank tops and shorts.

"Muffin please!!" Mia said batting her eyes at the waiter. He gave her a smile and took her order and left.

"You see.... He smiled back. He's totally into me!!" She boasted.

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