Chapter 6

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"Contact me if anything happens. By phone or telekinetic. Please be back before dinner as I will cook something for Yunho to eat." says Seonghwa as he fusses over the hybrid making sure he is warm enough to travel as the weather is starting to get cold. Mingi and Jongho nod their head as Yunho is standing still letting Seonghwa fuss over his long jacket and Seonghwa step back after a while satisfied.

Apparently, KQ Coven and the Mutual Pack reside a little bit outside of Seoul, in a big forest and mountains but it's easy enough for them to go out to the town.

They had been walking leisurely and stumbled upon a few of the other vampires and werewolves while walking and Yunho had been uncomfortable from the start. Some of them staring at him openly with interest but some seems to give him a somewhat dissatisfied stare. Yunho had somewhat clung himself onto Mingi's side as the stare kept increasing and he had his gaze mostly to the floor to avoid all of those stares though he could feel them.

Mingi looks over to his mate as he can sense the hybrid uneasiness and when he looks over to their surroundings carefully, he gets his answer as he too can see how the vampires and werewolves are staring at Yunho. Yunho had his gaze stuck to the floor while he was clutching Mingi's sleeves tightly and biting his lips. Mingi willed his eyes to turn into golden red hue before he glared at everyone in their path warning them silently as he wrapped his arms around Yunho's shoulder keeping Yunho close to him.

The trio had walked faster than before to get rid of the onlookers and they only slowed down when they were in the town where there are more strangers than vampires and werewolves. Jongho huff and speaks softly making sure only Mingi and Yunho can hear, "Why the fuck did they stare at Yunho like that? I was getting irritated and about to hiss at them."

Mingi shrug as he still have his arm around Yunho's shoulder, "From what I heard from Hongjoong hyung, words have reached everyone that Yunho, the hybrid that the higher ups have been looking for months is living with us and a lot of them though not mostly have been in a half-half feelings about all of this."

"What do you mean half-half?" asked Jongho.

"As in half accepting and half rejecting. The rejecting part was mostly because Yunho chose to live with us rather than with them and about him being mated to me. They whined to Eden and Lord Hwan about how unfair it is for them to not be introduced to Yunho because Yunho might want to be with them rather than us. And how Yunho is better to be with them, the more powerful group than us ATEEZ because we're only like 100 years old and they are older and 'wiser'."

"Psh, I can beat them in like 5 seconds, older or not. So they are jealous because in the premonition, the group that gets the hybrid is the most powerful one and they are sulking because Yunho is with us, the youngest group in KQ huh."


"Youngest group? You guys are?" asked Yunho who had been listening silently.

"Yup. So I think you need to brace yourself next week because Eden says your lessons with the coven will start. There will be a lot of vampires that will try to get you into their group instead." says Mingi as he pulls Yunho's shoulder a bit closer to him making Yunho whine a little.

"What do you mean by that? Don't scare me. Can't any of you guys come with me to the lessons? Do I have to go alone? Will I survive though? I don't even know what kind of lessons that I have to learn.." says Yunho pouting and he earns himself a kiss at the temple while Jongho smirks at Mingi because of the PDA.

Mingi acts like Jongho wasn't there and starts to answer Yunho's questions instead, "Oh I don't think Seonghwa hyung will let you go there alone, one or two of us will be with you for the lessons. Mostly they will only teach you the basics in defending yourself and maybe a bit more fighting afterwards. You will also learn how to control your power more and maybe grow your power to the next level, who knows."

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