Final Chapter

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"Well? You said they're going to attack in 2 days, meaning it's today. Why do I still see the vampires are lurking around in the town nonchalantly? If they're gonna attack today, they would have been gone in the forest near the sanctuary's territory already." Albert said as he glared at Lex.

"You can't blame me alpha. I only told you what I heard from the vampires. Maybe they are delaying it for something. So what are we gonna do? Should we just go ahead and attack first?"

"Oh that won't be fun now. We need the vampires to attack too so we won't lose ours too much. For now, just try to get the real time that they will attack."

"Alright alpha."


"The rogues in the west will arrive in a week Seth. They will be picking up more rogues along the way."

"Alright. We will attack once they arrive then. How's the other ethical clans? They didn't know about this do they? We will be in trouble if they knew and decided to help fight us with the Sanctuary's vampires."

"As far as I know, they are trying their best to turn a blind eye to this one because their first rule is to help vampires only and not some werewolves even if they have the rules not to kill werewolves without cause. Since the sanctuary both have vampires and werewolves, most of them decided to not help and just watch the outcomes. The other ethical clans that despise werewolves of course will not help at all."

"So for now I guess we still have a chance to destroy this sanctuary and get the hybrid. Let me know when the west's rogues are near."




"Fuck. Uhm. Hello Yunho, Sorry for my outburst, I didn't smell you. What did my mate do to you?" Ray said after he jumped out of his skin while reading the bulletin board in the coven's hall.

Yunho scratched his neck sheepishly. "Sorry, I thought you would still hear me or something. Well, Shin gave me 4 rings, 4 earrings, 2 necklaces that are meant to be worn together, an anklet and another bracelet. All of them are suppressant accessories."

"I was too focused on the bulletin and missed to hear your steps. He really gives you all that huh? He's too protective of you." Ray huff lightly and Yunho giggles.

"I can't really refuse them so I obeyed and wore them. They are too protective of me.. Shin gave me all of these while Hyunil always makes sure that I have at least 4 bodyguards with me all the time. Even Mingi have 4 bodyguards of his own." Yunho said, shaking his head.

"4? I don't see them?"

Yunho was about to answer but before he could, 4 vampires emerged suddenly a few feet away from Yunho and Ray, waving lightly towards the Alpha before vanishing again.

"Ah.. Invincibility. Nice one."

Yunho laughs. "Yeah.. Anyway, Lord Hwan wanted to know if there are any rogues in your patrolled areas because in ours, there are none."

"Same. None."

"I have a feeling that they will suddenly attack when we aren't paying attention.."

"Yes, so do I Yunho. This might be their plans all along. Stopping all attacks so we thought that they won't attack anymore and suddenly strike us when we were sleeping or something."

Yunho nods, sighing softly. He hates fighting so he absolutely loathes war but if he has to fight so that his loved ones are safe, he would do it in a heartbeat.

"I'm going to go see Lord Hwan now. Have a good day Ray."

"You too pup."

Yunho giggles at the pet name and nods his head before going further in the coven hall.

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