Chapter 9

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"Wait, so you're saying the vampire that I kidnapped for Albert is a hybrid? The one that everyone had been searching for?"

"Yes. It's not only that though, a few days ago, he had gone with his group for a mission and apparently he had killed 9 of the vampires within seconds. By himself."

"Shit. So he's with the KQ now huh. Urgh. Albert would have my head if he knew about this. He really want his healer back and if he knew his healer is THE hybrid, he won't let me live until I get him."

"Psh, good luck though. He's surrounded by the most powerful vampires and top Alphas you know."

"Anyway, how the fuck did you get these information?"

"Ha! There are some stupid vampires and wolves in there you know, with a bit of alcohol you can easily get whatever stories about them."

"Hm.. Well, go get some more I guess. I'm still busy with the rogues. Albert ain't gonna do anything about it, I don't know why he is the head Alpha. All he does is giving orders and drinks alcohol. Urgh"

"Good luck bro. I'll get some more information."


"Come on Yunho ah, it's alright." says the trainer and Yunho shake his head vigorously. "What do you mean it's alright?! I don't want to hurt you!" says Yunho and the trainer sighs softly. They are currently on the practice field and the trainer wants Yunho to practice on his death manipulation power which Yunho opposes from the beginning.

"Yunho, you need to practice that power if you don't want to accidentally kill someone with it. You don't want to kill the wrong people do you?"

"No of course not! B-but.."

"Take a deep breath. You can do this. All you have to do is concentrate on wounding me, not killing me. Okay?"

Yunho takes a deep breath but he still doesn't want to use his deadly power on his trainer. Yunho bit his lips as he looked around the field, a lot of vampires and werewolves are there to watch Yunho practice with his newly found power and it makes the hybrid anxious and stressed. What if he accidentally kills his trainer? What if he can't control his power? What if he can't control himself and injure everyone else in the field? A lot of what ifs are playing in his head and he is starting to get a headache because of it.

It's been 2 weeks since the incident and everyone in the sanctuary now knows that Yunho is the heir to the King and had been excited to see his newly found power but the hybrid refused to use it until now.

The trainer shakes his head and sighs softly. Yunho needs to practice it so he knows how to control it but the hybrid is too soft to injure people. The trainer then made a bold decision and told the other trainers to get Mingi.

"Yunho. I really don't want to use another method for this so please use your power on me. Concentrate on wounding me. You can do this." says the trainer as he coax the hybrid to start practicing.

Yunho pouts and shakes his head, standing still on the field.

"You make me do this Yunho ah. I'm sorry." says the trainer softly as he turns around and calls out, "Bring him in." making Yunho tilt his head as he watches the door open and Mingi is walking with two other trainers into the field.

"Start" says the trainer and the other two trainers nod their heads as Mingi takes a deep breath and stays still in the middle of the field. Yunho narrows his eyes at his trainers as he finally registers what they are about to do to his mate.

"No! Don't do this please! Mingi! How could you agree to do this??!" says Yunho, perplexed as he knew they have to ask for Mingi's cooperation and will only proceed if Mingi is fine with it. "It's okay baby. I'll be fine." Mingi says but Yunho knows he is nervous as he can feel it in their link.

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