Chapter 7

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Fortunately, there are no more encountering rogue wolves after that. Eden and the higher ups have been updated by the incident and they already had a team going on to investigate it.

It's been a week after the incident, Yunho mostly stays in the house only going out when they pleads with him to, mostly Mingi doing the pleads as he wants to buy clothes for his mate as he can see how few Yunho's clothes are. Yunho had declined saying that he does actually have money as his parents had inherited every penny to him, it's just that he is reluctant to use them as it is the only few things that his parents had left for him.

Mingi had pouted for almost 4 hours and by the 5th, Yunho gave up and let his mate take him out for clothes shopping, using Mingi's money as he wanted to buy it for Yunho. Hongjoong and Seonghwa had gone out with them as a bodyguard. They had fun choosing a lot of clothes for Yunho and by the time they are home, Yunho's clothes can fit almost 3 doors of Mingi's large 6 doors closet.

It's the day for Yunho's first lesson and he is very anxious. He never liked fighting but by how the others had told him, he has to learn how to fight so he can defend himself. He bounced his legs while sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for Yeosang and Seonghwa while Mingi was already seated beside him on the couch. Eden had asked for Yeosang, Seonghwa and Mingi to accompany Yunho's first lesson as Yeosang's power can help if something happen to any of the trainers or Yunho, Yeosang can just put them in his dimensional world while Seonghwa can put a stop to whatever might harm Yunho with his power and Mingi is there for emotional support.

Thankfully, Yunho's first lesson went without a hitch. He even got praised by Eden on how quickly he learned all the defensive moves. Yunho had been going to lessons since then with members taking turns to accompany him.

It's already 2 months, and Yunho is surprised himself on how well he can fight and defend himself in that short period of time. He also had been going to lessons for werewolves where he will fight in his wolf form. There are times where he had come home with bruises and scratches that make Mingi and Seonghwa panic but Yunho assured them that he can heal them when he have his energy back that night.

After the 3rd month, Eden suddenly comes to their house and calls all of them to the living room. Eden clears his throat once everyone is in the living room and starts speaking. "Alright, after we have seen how a fast learner Yunho is these past 3 months, it is time for him to confront real enemies. We-"



"I don't think that's a good idea.." says Hongjoong as Seonghwa and Mingi shouted at Eden.

"Are you fucking kidding me? It's a NO Eden! How could you make Yunho go fight the real enemies by himself??" says Mingi as he holds Yunho like a child while Yunho just stands there gawking at Eden.

Eden sighs.

"I never said he is going alone. You guys cut me off. Hear me out until I finish talking will you? Brats!" Eden huff.

Seonghwa and Mingi sheepishly scratch their neck while Yunho exhales a relieved breath. He really doesn't think he can go fight real enemies all by himself, he might turn into his cowardice self and run instead.

"We have a mission for you 8, it looks like there are vampires that have gone rampage killing people in this small village in Gwangju. So we need you 8 to warn them but if they don't want to compromise then kill them. They are a group of 12 but I think it will be no problem for you boys to handle them. You boys will depart tomorrow afternoon so make sure to have everything you need by tomorrow morning."

12..? It can't be them right..?

The others had nodded their heads and Eden had made his way out of their house but Yunho is staring at the floor, biting his lips. Mingi had seen how distracted Yunho is once Eden says 'Gwangju' so he went to his mate and thread his fingers onto Yunho's hair softly bringing him back from wherever he is at the moment.

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