First Day In My "Jail Cell"

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F/D = Favorite Drink

I walked into the guild and walked to a dark corner booth and spoke to my master ''I'm not going to destroy Fairy Tail, Besides your family's here, wouldn't you be sad if they died.  "No now destroy them or else. ''

I continued to sit in the booth. I waved the waitress over here and ordered my F/D. After awhile my drink arrived. She handed it to me and said "Welcome to Fairy Tail, my name is Mirajane but you can call me Mira."

I said to her "Leave me alone and we'll get along just fine"

She gave me a face and said " That sounds lonely"

"I know..." I look her in the eyes and say "...But that's how it has to be" 

She left and soon after a few men who heard what I had said to her got up. I had finished my drink when the men pushed everyone out of the way and walked over to the table. When they reached my table the lead man slammed his fist onto my table "Just because Gramps is letting you stay here doesn't mean you can treat our guild members that way, especially our gorgeous Mirajane!"

I looked him in the eyes and said "Like I give a crap besides 'Mira' isn't even that pretty so I don't know why your so worked up..." I said in a bored tone "...besides if your so mad why don't you tell 'Gramps' you retard."

He looked shocked at my words and soon got really mad and took a swing at me. When he was about to hit me he dropped to the floor and let out a terrible sound.

BLOOD BOIL Y/N's special magic blood magic. The other men backed  up suddenly terrified as I was about to kill the man the Fairy Tail master walked out and yelled "Y/N STOP NOW!"

I gave him a dirty look and released the magic, walking over to the mission board picking the one that was the hardest. Which unfortunately was still very easy. The mission was to get rid of some wyverns that was disturbing villagers. I walked up to Mirajane and gave her the request. "Are you sure you don't want to choose a easier first mission?"

"Yeah I'm sure... Now who do I have to take to watch me?"

"The red-head over there in the armor her name's Erza Scarlet, you can take her with you." I looked to where she pointed and saw the girl she was talking about. "Okay."

I walked over to her and said "I was told I have to take you to watch over me."

She looked me up and down stood up and said "okay what's the request, and when do we leave?"

"To kill some wyverns, and I was planning to leave right now." I said in a careless tone.

She looked at me in shock " Are you sure? Just one of those Wyverns are trouble enough and you want to go up against five!?" 

"Yeah, what's your point?" I said not caring why she was getting so overwhelmed over this.

"Well this should be a S-ranked mission, I'm going to tell Master Makarov about this!"

She started to walk away until she stopped turned around and walked back to me and said "Yes Master?" another one of Y/N's spells BLOOD CONTROL. "Go get what you need and be quick."

She turned and walked out the door coming back ten minutes later looking pissed. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!"

"With magic, why?" I said in a bored tone still not caring about her feelings.

She looked impressed but still mad "I'll let that slide but don't do it again!" If your wondering why it had stopped working Y/N can only control her for 8 minutes or in a 1 mile radius without using his blood. If he did use his blood he could control her for 1 hour and can reach everyone anywhere.

"Okay, let's get going." I got up and started walking away until I was grabbed by my shirt collar and dragged in the direction of a group. 

She talked with them for a little bit and then they all got up and got ready for something. I figured it out when they all walked back to Red-head and a blond girl said they were all ready. She's bringing them along!

I silently cried on the inside as she dragged me with them eventually following asleep until she dropped and I woke up to see the train. Natsu looked absolutely terrified when we were there and the it hit me.

I slowly side shuffled over to him and the Iron Guy who seemed to be shaking of fear too. "Do you guys know another way of getting there?" I said in a hopeful and terrified tone.

The Iron Guy said "No, why does it matter to you?" I responded with "I'm dragon slayer to dipshit" Natus looked at me in intrest. "really!?" 

"Yeah" I then remembered about the new magic I learned. "Let's get on quick."

I shoved them on making my way to the window seat which was to the left of Wendy. Everyone had made it to there seat when the train started to move and Wendy got to work. Sadly it didn't work on Natsu and, I think his name was, Gajeel.

They looked over at me and I was smiling all fine. That's when they noticed I wasn't feeling the sickness. "H-hey I-i thought-t yo-you said you were a d-d-dragon slayer?"

"I am I just remembered a spell I learned not to long ago." Suddenly there heads shot-up feeling alot better. 

They both looked at me and I gave them a smirk. Blood Numbing Y/N can numb himself and others for up to 24 hours and can dismiss this spell whenever he wants.

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