The Mission And Pain

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We had just finished talking to the mission employer when we set out on the mission. He had told us that they liked to hang out in the hot springs which seemed weird to me since most wyverns didn't like hot places. We looked at the hot springs but found out they had just left for hunting so it was gonna be a while. 

We went back to the hotel and rented some rooms, the boys rented a room and the girls rented a room too. When I stepped up to rent another room Gajeel grabbed me by my shirt collar and said "You can sleep in our room instead of having to spend more money."

I thought about it and decided to go to the room with the other guys. When we got there everyone was tired out and started to dress for bed. I took off my shirt and when I turned around Gray was staring at me while Gajeel and Natsu were already in bed asleep. 

Gray asked me in a worried voice "Where'd you get all those scars?" I gave him a scary look and said "Don't know don't care..." He started to turn around when I said "...and don't tell anyone cause I hate sympathy and people worrying about me, got it?" He nodded his head and got in bed. 

                                                                             Timeskip 3am

I still haven't fallen asleep when I heard a explosion then a knock on the door it was Erza "There back from hunting." I woke up the others real quick and ran out trying the reach the wyverns first but when we got there they weren't wyverns and there definitely wasn't 5. The beasts in front of us were Dracoverns the rarest of their kind and there was 18 of them.

I saw everyone start to rush them but I made them all stop and walk back to me I then released them from the trance and told them what I've learned. They were all shocked at the news but still cocky, nervous, and confident. 

As soon as I finished talking we attacked I took out two as they were about to breath hot flames. It was a tough battle for the rest and it used up alot of my magic but we defeated them none the less. As we started to leave to collect the bounty with Wendy lacking behind us I turned to check on her and at that very moment she was whacked to the other side of the fields by one of Zeref's demons.

When I saw this I yelled at the demon letting my Rage and Dragon side take over. As soon as I entered that mode everything faded to black.

                                                                  3rd person POV

Y/N turned around and screamed at the demon that had just hit Wendy. He soon after erupted in blood red and black flames rushing the demon in front of us. Everyone yelled for him to get back but it turned out Y/N was running over to save Wendy before the demon could reach her. Y/N got there holding Wendy close as the demon had grabbed them.

The demon started to bring them to it's mouth before it's hand suddenly exploded while it's blood had came to Y/N's hand forming into a solid black and red demon scythe.

Y/N took one swing at the demon's other hand that one exploding too as the scythe started to glow and Y/N took a swing at the demon with a huge explosion that made the entire demon exploded and all the blood being sucked into the scythe then the s...

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Y/N took one swing at the demon's other hand that one exploding too as the scythe started to glow and Y/N took a swing at the demon with a huge explosion that made the entire demon exploded and all the blood being sucked into the scythe then the scythe being absorbed into Y/N as he held Wendy close to his body still holding her close in a tough hold. He suddenly collapsed onto the ground the fire now dying down down and being sucked back into Y/N.

Everyone rushed over to Y/N's side picking him and Wendy up and bringing them to the closest hospital. They had got there just 10 minutes before they were closing. They put Y/N and Wendy on separate beds before dragging them off to the infirmary rooms.

                                                                                   Y/N's POV

I awoke to silence around the white infirmary room. After seeing no one was in the room I stood up and started walking out the door. When I got out the door I dropped to the floor my insides starting to boil and burn. I knew what was happening as from a warning from my dragon, Ketsukei.

I used my magic to find Wendy, and when I found her room I ran to the door which was about 13 doors down. When I got there I kicked open the door to see her awake laying on her bed I walked over to her side looking her in the eyes I said "W-Wendy I-I know th-that thi-is may sound-d weird b-but I-I n-need you to k-k-kiss m-me, If you d-don't I-I c-could d-die."

She looked suprised at what I said but seemed to be even more shocked at my appearance. I was wearing the white patient gowns but it was soaked in sweat and I was trembling and letting occasional grunts and whimpers of pain. I looked her in the eyes pleading her to well kiss me.

She grabbed me and brought me close kissing me on the lips ceasing the pain that was in my stomach and chest. After she pulled apart I explained to her that when inhaling the flames I envelop myself in is like a last resort so both victims slowly die from a painful suffering.

She understood why I asked her to kiss me and after I made sure she understood I stood up asking "Ummm... can I sleep in here with you?" I sais as my legs trembled when I stood up still shaking from the pain. Wendy replied with "If you want to, you can." she said with her acing getting redder with each word.

I told her thank you as I wrapped my arms around her waist enjoying the comfort of her body and from the sound of her steady breathing. I see her turn around staring at me with her gorgeous brown eyes keeping me in a trance until everything slowly turned to black letting the darkness of sleep come over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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