Chapter 2

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Maya's POV

"Well, the tour's almost over. Normally, one of the program managers is supposed to have a meeting with you guys to discuss about a few stuffs. Since they are unavailable right now, Mr. Williams will conduct the briefing. So please wait here in the conference room, he will be here in 10 mins." John left, finally giving us four the space we need.

"So, guys, what's your first impression of this trip? Don't judge me but I'm kind of freaked out here."

Arun reached out to her hands and started in a calm voice, "Relax Anika, we are here together, and everything should go as per the plan. So, you need not worry so much. If anything goes down the drain, the higher ups will handle it."

"Wait! What plan??" I asked, getting nervous that if there's a plan I that don't know, I might mess up this whole thing. I looked at them, and they seemed a little surprised at my question, like I had caught them off guard or something.

Nisha cleared her throat and told that by plan they meant the business schedule that we have been given and by higher ups she meant our managers. I can't help but feel that they are lying to me. But before I could ask about it, the door opened and my heart started racing again.

Unknown POV

I was working in my office, when he knocked the door. "Come in John." "Well? What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to meet them? They are waiting in the conference room." "Crap! I had forgot! Eva mentioned this to me earlier." "Alright! Alright! I'm leaving, just help me out a bit. Look into these files. They are trying to mess with the treaty. We will discuss after you finish it." "Sure boss, now go! Don't keep them waiting. Oh! And one more thing, there are two humans in that group and maybe they wouldn't know the other 'reason' for this meeting. So be careful!" I nodded, as I neared the conference room, the same unique scent got stronger and stronger.

It was alluring to me. The scent was mixed with little hints of some floral perfume and something more. Damn! It was so confusing!! Why is this scent much stronger and complex than others?! My beast started to pace inside my mind restlessly, whining, growling and purring. Wait! Purring?! I stood outside the room for a moment to gather my thoughts and to calm my beast. "What is it? Why am I so irritated?" "I don't know." Could it be the mysterious scent? It's driving me crazy. "I want to see the source. Maybe then we will know why it's messing with us. What are you wasting time for?! Go!!!" Wow! Rude much? Pushing the door open, I see four faces. Three of them carrying the same hard expressions, the fourth however had a different expression. My breath had got stuck in my throat. She looked timid, nervous. She was the owner of that alluring scent. Her smaller frame made me want to hug her. Huh! Why was I having these thoughts? I looked at her eyes, her beautiful almond shaped eyes that had so much innocence. It's at that moment everything made sense. She's. my. mate.

I heard someone clearing their throat, and we broke our eye contact, sadly. I let out that breath that I was holding and held out my hand- "Hi! The name's Ethan Williams, head of this program and your SPOC till your stay here." "Hi! My name is Maya Selvam, nice to meet you sir." Maya huh?! Her voice so timid, she was nervous, nervous of me. I kinda felt bad at that. I have been waiting for my mate for such a long time, turns out she's from the opposite part of the world, she's human and she's afraid of me. My beast nudged in my mind and tried to reassure me. I reasoned with myself, 'Don't worry; we have just met her. We have time to know her.'

I felt the mild tingles when our hands met. She seemed to feel it too as her eyes widened a bit in surprise and reacted immediately by withdrawing her hand. It took a lot in me to not to touch her soft small hands, but seeing as she's nervous, it's better if I tend to others now. 

Maya's POV

Wow! He's gorgeous! Hold on a sec. What am I thinking?! I can't be a mushy love sick girl who melts at first glance. Not again. Most importantly, what do the people here in the states eat? I mean they are tall and well built. Everyone! Compared to them I look short and thin, like a twig. But the way he looked at me, those beautiful blue eyes, I had a weird feeling. I couldn't read his expression and it was freaking me out.

Arun cleared his throat and that's when he spoke 'Hi! The name's Ethan Williams, head of this program and your SPOC till your stay here.' I thought he only looked intimidating but I was clearly wrong. Even his voice is intimidating. I mustered all the courage I could to avoid squeaking like a mouse and gave my intro. He seemed a little amused at the fact that I even had a voice. And when our hands met, it was a strange feeling, like these little dull tingles, almost like an itchy-not-itchy kind of sensation. Almost too quickly I pulled my hand away, not ready to meet his gorgeous blue eyes. I could see the next pair of hands shaking, almost in a tight grip, a sudden tense atmosphere gripping everyone. For some reason Arun's voice came out rather tight and forced for his intro. Did I miss something?!

Ethan's POV

The combination of two alphas in a single room almost never a good thing. Especially if one alpha's mate is trying to hide behind the other Alpha's back. My wolf was growling, scratching and gnawing his way out of my head. It's a mystery how the timid frame of my mate can rile him up and at the same time calm him down enough to have control. Nevertheless, we have just met and it's not right to give off a bad impression, not just to my mate but to the allies as well.

Moving my attention to Arun, we shook hands rather firmly, nodding a bit, acknowledging as an allied alpha. From the look of his face, I think he was curious of my reaction with Maya. The rest of the intros and talks went fine, I was hoping to hear more of Maya's voice but it seems that she likes to keep to herself. She was either shy or she was being extremely professional, both of them could pose as a small problem in my plan of getting closer to her. Soon it was lunch time and started to head to a nearby restaurant. We drove in separate cars; I was impatient and my wolf was also not helping the situation.

John seemed to notice the shift in my mood and asked "What's the matter Ethan?! You seem to be antsy. Anything that I can help with?" "Maybe, uhm, I'm not sure. I don't know how you guys are going to react to it." "You know you can tell us anything right? It doesn't matter if you have just become an Alpha. To me, you are my friend as well." 

"Thanks John, the thing is.... I have found my mate..." 

Silence...more silence...and then, "Whaat?! Are you serious?! That's a great news, why were you hiding from me? Wait, how long were you hiding it from us? When did you find her? How? Most importantly, who is she? It's a 'she' right? Not that that I judge you but still just asking." 

Everybody thought that John is a serious guy but every now and then he getting super excited and behaved like a kid, like how he demonstrated now. "If you'd let me answer, I guess you would know." "Sorry sorry, do go on" he chuckled, putting his hands up in defence. "It's Maya." "Wow! Who knew your mate is from the other half of the world? What are you going to do now?" "I don't know man, I don't know..."

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