Chapter 3

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Maya's POV

"What's the matter Maya? You seem a little dull suddenly, is something wrong? Did anyone say anything to you? You have been awfully quiet." Nisha's concerned voice startled me.

"Yea, it's nothing. I'm just feeling a little homesick. I don't know what's wrong with me, I wanted this trip so bad and now I want to board a flight back home. Plus let's not forget how these guys are intimidating at every point. What do they feed on? 50 kilos of meat every day?!"

"Oh, Maya, is that what's bothering you, don't worry, we are here for you. As for the intimidating people, Arun can match up to them for you. Won't you Arun?"

"Will I? Yes, I will Maya, if anyone's bothering you, just let us know. Plus, this trip is only for a month or two, depending on the training schedule. Then all of us will be enjoying at our home sweet home. However, on a serious note, I don't think anyone's gonna hit on you Maya Auntieeee!!!".

"Oh! Shut up Arun!!" Trust him to tease me at a time like this.

"Aah, there's that smile, c'mon I know you are eager for lunch. Let's just hope it's not any salad or something".

The car stopped at slightly fancy restaurant, John, Ethan and two new faces waiting for us. Ethan opened the door for us and stretched his hand, waiting for me to hold it. The moment our hands touched it was there again, those strange dull tingles. I quickly got of the car and smoothed out the crinkles from my blazer, waiting for all others to get out.

"I hope the ride was comfortable enough for you. Wouldn't want our appetites down now, do we?" Ethan casually asked. My appetite was pretty much high... Until now.

Just hearing his voice seems to do something to me. Politely I replied, "The ride was really comfortable, thank you for that." Mentally I'm praying for my slow poke colleagues to get out of the car.

We're seated at the dining table, I was sitting between Arun and Nisha, hoping to avoid Ethan sitting anywhere near me but that didn't work well because he was sitting right in front of me. And he was Staring. At. Me. Literally.

For most part of the lunch, I was quiet with a few yes and no replies. Soon the day was over, me and Arun headed over to our lodgings while Nisha and Anika left for their lodgings in the other end of the city. We bade our goodbyes and right as we were about to step into our separate rooms, Arun spoke up in a serious tone "Anything you need or any trouble, don't hesitate to call me Maya, you understand?"

"Yes Arun, please don't worry and have a good night".

Finally!! Oh finally!! Comfy, dear, sweet bed!!! Soon after freshening myself, I had a quick chat with my parents. I plopped on to my bed and drifted to a peaceful sleep.

Ethan's POV

Finally! Everyone's asleep. Slowly I sneak out of my house, hoping nobody wakes up. I had told John and Pierre that I would be going around midnight to check on her in secret and that they would be in charge till then.

Here I am, behaving like a crazy, creepy stalker for my other half. I moved to a more secure location and undress myself. Securing all my stuff in a small duffel bag, I start to shift. It's not a pain free process. It hurts now and then, here and there but you get used to the pain. All the bone realignment, muscle adjustments needs a lot of getting used to but it's worth the pain. The freedom you feel when you run on all your limbs, sorry, paws, the wind against your fur is indescribable.

I soon shift into my wolf, shaking out my fur, giving a temporary control to my primal instincts. I run out to the lodge where my dear mate is. It's a good thing that I had arranged her stay in this lodge. It's near the pack house and I will feel more at ease if she's near me.

I reach near her window and slowly I use my front paws to support myself on the ledge and peak. Like I said- Crazy. Creepy. Stalker.

But I can't help it! Maybe a part of me doesn't even want to stop looking at her all day and night.

Hopefully, the day comes soon that I don't have to look at her from the shadows and can confront her properly.

When I look at her slim, peaceful frame sleeping without a care in the world, it just makes me want to protect her more.

My wolf whines at this torturous separation, wanting more than just peeping, he wants to confront her, receive her affections, to touch her, hold her in our arms. Patience is the key I tell him. She's already so wary of us, I don't want to push her away.

Suddenly, I hear a low growl behind and turn to see a grey coloured wolf - An Alpha.

We both shifted back, naked as the day we were born. I greeted the wolf- "Hello alpha Arun, lovely evening isn't it!"

"I would like to say something similar but may I know what are you doing here peeping at Maya?"

Crap... Now what should I do?

"You know, just checking up on my guests if everything is okay or not. Now, I couldn't personally come and check if the pillows are comfy or not, so here I am, having to visually judge the same. Hehe!" My wolf managed to do a facepalm mentally. I don't blame him, it was after all, the world's lamest excuse. Even Arun's blank look is a testament to that.

"As much as I appreciate your hospitality and concern, this is going a bit too far. To put it into correct terms, this is called as 'stalking'. Let's not forget that your eyes were on Maya the entire day. I will not stand any sort of vulgar treatment to my Maya".

Anger slowly but fiercely bubbled up within me. How dare he accuse me of such a pervert act? How could he even think me as a characterless person? And 'MY Maya'?! The moment I heard those two words from his mouth, jealousy overpowered my feelings and my wolf, giving him the access to snarl at him – "Maya is MY mate! MINE!!! I will not allow anyone to come between us!!!" My wolf literally spat at him.

He stood there dumbfounded for a moment. I too was shocked. My wolf never did snatch the control from me.

Then he took one small step forwards and said "I didn't know she is your mate. But just because she's your mate you cannot stalk her from the shadows. Moreover, it is my pack member that you are stalking. I will not take this lightly. If you want to spend time with her, I suggest you do it at a comfortable pace and distance, that is, 'IF' she agrees to it in the first place. At any point if she feels threatened, I shall not hesitate to leave this place and take her back home!"

"You dare-" Arun takes another step forward and closes the distance. "Oh, I Dare, I have promised her family for her safety, which includes threats like you and those rogues. So, I suggest you to leave for now. You have looked at her enough for a day And A Night. So good night!".

Without waiting for my response, he turned back towards to wherever he came from.

Unbelievable! How could he say that!! She's my mate and what about his 'I will take her back home' threat?! This is her home now. Just you wait, I'll get my Maya, by hook or by crook. For now, I'm leaving. Tomorrow, is a New day.

'Goodnight, my dear, dear Maya'.

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