Chapter 4

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Ethan's POV

It has been almost a week and I'm nowhere near to getting close to Maya!! It's as if like she doesn't want to be near me. Every attempt I do to converse with her, she closes herself off. I'm very close to ripping my hair with my bare hands!! My wolf has been getting impatient and irritated with her behaving like this. She must feel something for me. Indeed, a human does not feel as passionate as the werewolves do but they do feel a fraction of it.

The worst part is that my irritation is being directed mostly towards my pack members. I'm constantly being short-tempered and I unconsciously direct that anger towards any mishaps in the pack. Even John and Pierre are feeling helpless. 

I've made up my mind. I'm going to confront Maya outside of the office. Maybe she's being professional to me. Today's Friday, a perfect day to "accidentally" crash into her and ask her for a date!! I hope she won't say no to that...

Maya's POV

The first week is almost over but I can't help but feel weirder and weirder around Mr. Ethan. He's been following my movements in office and never misses a chance to speak to me. A part of me likes it when he gives his attention to me, but the other part of me is frightened of falling into my heart's desires. I still can't decipher his expressions, the way he looks at me; it's as if I'm something special to him. He's very warm towards me but colder to others, this was very obvious in his attitude in the office. God! Please save me!

I have a feeling that something might happen today, so I'm running away from the office as soon as it ends before anything OR anyone gives me a nasty surprise.


Finally, the day was over and the weekend was about to start. I managed to escape from the office successfully!! Yippie! 

Now, I was wondering what to do now. I knocked Arun's door and wait for him to open up. He opened up and lead me inside. By the looks of it, he's pretty tired, hair disheveled, puffy eyes, sluggish movements. Yup, he's tired alright.

"What's the matter, Maya?"

"Umm, I was going to ask your company to the market nearby. You know, like a little local sightseeing."



"Hold on, let me change, then we can go."

"On second thoughts, you stay and take rest. I'll go by myself. The market is pretty near, so you don't have to worry about me wandering or getting lost."

"What?! No, it's okay. I'll come with you. It's a new neighborhood. We don't know how safe it is. Plus, I gave my word to your family to keep you safe."

"Huh?! When did that happen?"

"When your parents came to send you off at the airport."

"Even if you did give your word, I'm a grown-up and I can handle myself. Please!! You look very tired and I feel guilty that I'll be ruining your sleep. Don't worry, I'll call you if I feel something is going to go wrong. Alright?"

"But- "

"I'm carrying the pepper spray as well, okay?!"

He finally sighed in defeat, slowly speaking "Alright, you win. BUT, call me or text me if you feel something's fishy. Don't hesitate, alright?"

"Okay, okay!!" As I move towards the doors, I mumble to myself "You guys keep on treating me like I'm some baby." He just chuckled and watched me till I move towards the lodge's exit.

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