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josie is cuter than baby Yoda


hope's a beautiful name (and girl)

why so happy?

josie is cuter than baby Yoda

my school's doing a production
of Heathers The Musical

and i got the Veronica's part!!!

hope is a beautiful name (and girl)


I'm more of a heather chandler kinda girl

is that why you were having an
existential crisis on Instagram??

josie is cuter than baby Yoda

yep. that was why

wait you like musicals?
can you sing?

hope is a beautiful name ( and girl)

I've seen a few

 I saw Hamilton and Beetlejuice last month
and I can sing a tiny bit
but nothing out of ordinary

I'm a better artist than singer
just a bit tho, nothing too special

josie is cuter than baby Yoda

you got called a child prodigy
by Vanity Fair,

you really are that good tho,
100% amazed by your art

hope is a beautiful name (and girl)

thanks love x

and okay I might be gifted, but i'm privileged to have
a platform to show it

hey you're from Virgina right?

josie is cuter than baby Yoda

well from a little lost town in Virginia


hope is a beautiful name ( and girl )

the Mikaelson Foundation
is going to fund a school  in Virginia.

idk many details but it's boarding school
and my parents are looking to enroll me in it maybe

josie is cuter than baby Yoda

what's wrong with your
school in New Orleans?

hope is a beautiful name ( and girl )

nothing besides that i'm homeschooled 😅

I've basically always been homeschooled
but now my parents are considering
that boarding school.

apparently it's founded
by an old friend of my dad's

josie is cuter than baby Yoda

and you're excited??

that sounds like a big deal

hope is a beautiful name ( and girl )

I mean it kinda is?

I don't have many friends here
so I'm excited to meet
new people and all that jazz

but i'm sad to leave NOLA
I love this city too much

hey if I move to the Virginia
we could meet!

josie is cuter than baby Yoda

omg yes!!!
wait Virginia's big

hope is a beautiful name ( and girl)

I have a car, I can drive there dw🤷
I don't mind as long I get a milkshake
(and your company of course)

josie is cuter than baby Yoda

I'll buy you as many milkshakes
as you can chug down

hope is a beautiful name ( and girl )

then it'll be a date

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