Part 1

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Somewhere in the realm of space, everything was quiet. The stars and constellations were so bright, and the astronauts in space didn't have time to notice the humming sound of the open vacuum. All was well... or so we thought.

Astronaut: Mission Control? Mission Control, can you hear me?

Mission Control: This is Mission Control.

Astronaut: You won't believe what I'm seeing.

Mission Control: What are you seeing?

Astronaut: Oh... my... Gosh!

Mission Control: What's wrong? Hello? Can anybody hear me?!

The astronaut froze for a few seconds, then starts to panic. What he saw... was a gigantic asteroid hurdling in Earth's direction.

Astronaut: We're all gonna die!

Meanwhile, back on Earth, life is business as usual. In Manhattan, NY, the city streets were busy as people were going to work or school. For Dylan Fantastic, however, things were not so fantastic. Ever since his family lost their home back on Planet Neutron, they moved down to Earth in search of a new home. Unfortunately, it was extremely difficult to fit in with all the humans due to a galactic controversy over the discovery of their space shuttle in the Pacific Ocean. The humans have been living in fear and uncertainty, and nobody seemed to want to help them. 

As a bright 17-year-old with many years to come, Dylan Fantastic had so much to learn. He was a wee bit shy coming here, and he doesn't know his own strength. And, now he is struggling to find a friend, yet he knows he can't use his superpowers here, fearing rejection. Life hurts, indeed, and doesn't make sense. Dylan's younger sister, Jasmine was sitting next to Dylan with her hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him, but she could tell by his long face that it wasn't working.

Dylan: What are we gonna do, Sis? How can we live on a planet with people who are afraid of us?

Jazz: I don't know, Dylan, but maybe we should give this place a chance to get used to us.

Dylan: Easy for you to say... I wanna make friends, but I'm just afraid that with strength beyond what any of these people can imagine... I might break something. I wish we could find another planet - with more welcoming people.

Jazz: Me too. My poor big brother...

Reporter: (on family's TV set) We interrupt this broadcast with breaking news at 11. The International Space Station and its satellites have just spotted a gigantic asteroid entering the solar system after midnight. The asteroid is confirmed to be on a direct course to Earth and is approaching fast. Even the chronometers can't keep up with its erratic speed. Time to impact: a lot sooner than we think. The asteroid appears to be just about the size of Planet Neptune. The question remains: could this be the end of civilization as we know it?!

Dylan: Oh, no! I won't let this happen! This is a job for... DYLAN FANTASTIC!

Jazz: But Dylan, Mom and Dad warned us not to use our superhuman powers here...

Dylan: ...On the count that they might perceive us as a galactic threat. I know. Forget what our mom and dad said. We have a chance to prove that we come in peace. I'm not gonna pass it up. Come on. Unless we stop this asteroid from hitting Earth, that will be two homes we have lost!

Jazz: This is crazy. If you think I'm gonna let you get us BOTH into trouble...

Dylan: (grabs her by hand) Then, it will be a small price to pay. Now LET'S GO! (pulls her up)

Dylan was becoming less and less shy, and it became clear to him that the humane thing to do was to try and save the planet. He and Jasmine raced to the danger zone, putting their own lives on the line, but with the asteroid already approaching the atmosphere, they knew that time was running out!

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